Madrid, I realized long time ago that you have some "issues", but I don't understand what you're trying to say.
I died, so? at least I have the balls and try to do 2-3vs how many you had in this specific screenshot, 10? + a kurian.
The only reason you're still playing this character is because the owner needs a no-lifer sharer to continue his mission while he's asleep, kill atrosses/riotes for him and town when Orcs show up.
Maybe try to get a kill here and there with 50 parties vs 3 players.
Keep in mind that the video I posted was just a little taste of what I actually have.
It is just 13min, want me to upload the videos where ItzTopcat(you or ehsan, or is he sharing with more players than that?) town as soon as I get close to you? even without being debuffed?
A video of ItzTopcat
towning as soon as he/you get debuffed, whether it's a superior parasite or a
The only reason I didn't add those parts to the video I just released is because that would be boring and I don't have to prove anything to anyone,
everyone knows exactly how "amazing" whoever plays on itztopcat can be (skill wise, not even talking about how "intelligent"
Take your topic as an example, the one you posted looking for a character to play on.
I highly doubt anyone ever pmed you to share his character besides ehsan, which takes any active player to play his character whether they're skilled, have an actual brain or not.
- I told you don't bother pushing your nose if you got nothing useful to say on the first post.
This is just the beginning, if you wish to continue with your nonsense, knock yourself out. It keeps me entertained.