Hi again everyone ^^

Didn't took so long to make another movie. Movie is based on one noght pk soloing and partying without healer. In this movie I was testing different kinda effects and just wanna show you some solo pk with my noob build, like some of you think

So first I need to make few corrections that I didn't see before upping it, cause I was in hurry to go bed; In first good triofight the healer rogue is Paskis, not Fake... So credit from that goes to Paskis. TY! ^^
Second correction is the name of the brave warrior; it's LonelyHeart not LonelyHearth...

But yeah... Like I said before; here is little less action then first movie had, but here you can see what I do in partyes Being only priest and trying to command party is hard work; especially when you have only 960heal :/ Well that's easily fixed... Few days exp and I will get my 2k heal ^^

I wanna tell you that when we PKed with Fake and LonelyHeart, we were not in vent, so I just have to admire guys instics on what I want and need them to do...

Size of this movie is bigger then the last one, but I think it doesn't matter, cause quality is far more superior! Thank you Nesma for helping me with codecs! ^^

Here it goes: http://files.filefront.com/Silweri+First+B...;/fileinfo.html

Hope you enjoy it atleast half that much that I enjoyed making it! ^^
