ym no dupe oke? ym spend 3200 on one rol, oke?
ym no steal oke? ym legyt turk and ym goodgun oke?
ym good at thys game oke?
This is a discussion on SS --------- ][ S1VER ][ within the Media forums, part of the Knight Online (ko4life.com) category; ym no dupe oke? ym spend 3200 on one rol, oke?
ym no steal oke? ym legyt turk and ym ...
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ym no dupe oke? ym spend 3200 on one rol, oke?
ym no steal oke? ym legyt turk and ym goodgun oke?
ym good at thys game oke?
undefined stupid kids Dreem baby
siver your fucking retarted, do the math and you know and i know none of those items are legit, even if you did buy them. your a duping arabian
rofl if my items not legit i nver show ppl my SS i well be Scared -_-
27 Rol's +0 for +3... 9 Rol's +0 for +2 ... so u somehow got 36 Rol's ? dont make me laugh
9 Eme and 9 RE... possible, shady still
3 Iron Neck... slm
cant you stop with "turkish" slm's?
he is arabian not turk.. got it?
well in real life i have Porsche 911 Turbo 2006 did you thenk if i have this car i will have any problem to have like tis items :wub:
all you need is a chitin shield now
very nice char h43r:
everyone who is not known like 00000 or nychris with this items is a cheater, duper, hacker, babashopper or what ever no1 will believe u cause you're unknown....
even if 00000 had those items... i would still call him a duper etc...
and ur argument works as a two side sword... bc what u say goes to show that even 000000 or Nycrhis, players who have been around for so long (since begining of ares) dont have such items
i dont care if any one know me or not or believe me i play for fun only not to be the best
might be patricio but if they had that money to get those items they would've sold them with their chars
+1..Originally posted by NordFront
ROL +3 lol = 27 ROL +0, a ROL +0 cost minimum 30gb on ares now there on like 50gb *( would been alone 1080 gb if we say 1 rol for 40 )
then we got a ROL +2, = 9 ROL +0
a IN +1.. = 3x IN +0 a IN on ares = Iron or Glas belt + like 20gb
+8 shell set? 1part 30gb~
the weapon def armor.. total amount like 60gb~
EME +2.. 9 eme +0 *1eme is like 23gb~
RE +2 .. 9 RE +0 *1re is like 15gb~
a personal dagger +7.. lucky or gm baba *
sherion +8.. i dont wanna know how much that dagger cost
100% leagid, no USD no GM no Dupe *kk?
now i know why i have such problems killing this guy :wacko:
and i thought i bacame a bad player ^_^
p.s. nice char