I was reading one article about it from : http://www-usr.rider.edu/~suler/psycyber/cybaddict.html
some of you guys maybe are really really addicted maybe it's hard to admit and say... well yeah im like 10-12 hours a day in my computer playing games, talking with my friends on msn, reading forums, listening musics, download good stuff and bad stuff, watching movies, reading my mail very often, and more.

there're some questions that I found in that website that I wanna share with you, and just ask that to yourself to see how much you're:
Do you feel a need to spend more and more time on line to achieve satisfaction?
Are you unable to control your on-line use?
Do you feel restless or irritable when attempting to cut down or stop your on-line use?
Do you go on line to escape problems or relieve feelings such as helplessness, guilt, anxiety or depression?
Do you lie to family members or friends to conceal how often and how long you stay online?
Do you risk the loss of a significant relationship, job, or educational or career opportunity because of your on-line use?
Do you keep returning even after spending too much money on on-line fees?
Do you go through withdrawal when off line, such as increased depression, moodiness, or irritability?
Do you stay on line longer than originally intended?

if you spend a lot of hours in the internet u might get these symptoms:

drastic lifestyle changes in order to spend more time on the net
general decrease in physical activity
a disregard for one's health as a result of internet activity
avoiding important life activities in order to spend time on the net
sleep deprivation or a change in sleep patterns in order to spend time on the net
a decrease in socializing, resulting in loss of friends
neglecting family and friends
refusing to spend any extended time off the net
a craving for more time at the computer
neglecting job and personal obligations

if you're spending too much time in the front to your computer everyday.... try to avoid it because u're gonna fuck your life in your future (sorry for that word).