Originally posted by FatM4n+--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(FatM4n)</div>
Originally posted by JoshTehPwner+--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(JoshTehPwner)
Originally posted by FatM4n
Originally posted by JoshTehPwner
Originally posted by FatM4n
Originally posted by JoshTehPwner
Originally posted by FatM4n
Originally posted by JoshTehPwner

Fatman, how can you idoits as roony?
Did you see what Christano Ronaldo did?
Before the match he headbutted roony for no reason, then when he got sent of ( roony ) he winked at him like saying " job done " *.
But w/e, chirtano is gonna have to face Man u soon enough.

If rooney cant controll his anger managment problem it's his problem and when he got the eruption he hurted the whole team, and today england suffered for that.

Rooney got him self to blame , simple as that

Cant control his temper? At least he doesnt headbut people randomly.
Oh well, england are out, but they got further then sweden. <_< -_-

and since is this a thing about sweden?

I didn't see the headbutt , so there for I can't take side in that question ,but anger management problem and stepping on other ppl balls is a bigger prob, I think then headbutt a player once

hence, and u cant swallow that England got totally raped at shout out by ricardo, face it england can't win all time, hence they haven't won agains sweden in 30 years, must kinda sux

England got raped? On penatlys, when they held up about 60 mins with 10ppl? Yeah.. real raped.
What i call raped is loosing to germany 2-0. :rollseyes:

If u mean to have all ppl in ur time inside the penalty area is a good play by theteam u seriously need to think again.
and if the goalie takes 3 out of 4 penatly not good, u dont know anything about football, u just some kid that cant swallow ur pride and admit that portugal was the better team today

Did they score? No, Portugal may have "dominated" the match, but thats because we had 10 players, both teams played good.
Well at least some teams stand up to their oppositon and have something to argu over, unlike some teams who jsut loose 2-0. :rollseyes:
Yes, portugal played well P4rth, so did england, i think england deserved, you think portugal did, we both think OUR teams deserved, so yeah, lets both stuf arguing and take the fact i lost, you won. :angry: <_<

U may have lost, but I didn't win, and the fact that u keep bringing up sweden all the time shows that u cant accept that they lost and have to say stupid things, and for the record, sweden and england booth made misstakes and they payed for it, and I wont back up that sweden is better , they completley sux as football team, simple as that
Yes, Yes they do suck, and they suck on rugby ( england won the cup ), cricket ( again ) and tennis? ( i dont know shit about tennis ).
Yes i like bringing sweden up alot, i like to rub it in, espcialy when you say england suck. [/b]
rugby, only some game england invented for them self,cricket same as rugby, tennis is sweden pretty godo at some times, but were was england when sweden won World Cup and Olympic games in hockey?? not to mention Floorball?[/b][/quote]
Where was sweden when we won the WC in 1966? Or when we won rugby world cup? Or the ashes?