both char's need clans
my DLW warrior lvl 43 (delvled 42 now) needs a clan, has 1.1k np's (got em all unbuffed, no parties, no swift)

and my main char, lvl 53 buff/heal (might be joining nexus again but not until 54 so this char isnt a sure bet on needing a clan)

im on alot, usually from like 9am to 5pm
then 10pm to 2am

and as u can see, i speak fluent english, and pretty tolerant to most other languages, except the annoying turks, the nice ones i can tolerate

oh yes
and my lvl 43 human sin in diez could also use a DLW clan, i dont play him alot tho cuz i broke one of my mirages and only have 4mil coins left, so im stuck with a +4 irage and mp abosrb dagger

wooh that was alot

and please note
i dont want some little noob clan with like 13 players under lvl 40
i want..errm, NEED a GOOD clan who has a strict lvl policy

im srry but i cannot gain any lvls partying with ppl who cant even go to eslant
for my dlw chars i need at LEAST a 45+ clan
and for my preist, a 52+ clan would be good