my guildie turned me on to this little mod. . it's an awsome tool to determine whether or not a piece you mouse over really IS an upgrade.

what this does is adds a little section underneath the equip 'popup' bubble that pops up when you mouse over something. . . it compares what you currently have equipped...and shows you in either red or green, if the item is better (statwise . .etc) than what you're currently wearing..


Another cool mod i use is called Adspace. What this does is gives the origin NPC and price for an item. comes in handy when that pattern in the AH for 10g that you wanted can be picked up by NPC xxx for 10s in Western PLague Lands or whatever..

If you guys come across any useful, little known mods please post them here. I i'll compile and sticky a list so that its easy to find by others..
