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Server on U.S WOW

This is a discussion on Server on U.S WOW within the World Of Warcraft forums, part of the PC Gaming category; yeh forgot it resets -.-
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  1. #16

  2. #17


    After leveling a lock this is what i believe is the best way for leveling

    at 20 have

    at 30 have

    at 40 have

    at 51 respec to this build

    by 61 you should be looking like this

    This is what i found to be the most effective and quickest leveling guide. Until you hit 50 the best leveling will be drain tanking*, so affliction is the best tree for that.
    Though the best leveling build by far has to be felguard though that does not become available until 50 so you should wait to respec that. After that just spec where ever you want, i prefer affliction since once again drain tank is nice (though with felguard you should not be tanking at all) if done correctly with felguard you should never have to sit to drink or eat.

    *Drain Tanking: Best done with one's succubus if i remember correctly obtained at level 20, pretty much you send your succubus in as you cast your dots she takes a few hits as you put on dots and life tap after life tap go immediately into drain life by now the mob should be well onto you. Just continue to drain life until the mob is dead and try to finish with drain soul since if you have talent you will have gained mana at the end which should replenish a good amount of the mana used draining life. The talent fel concentration here is key since without it the mob will interupt you drain life and leave you gaining no health and wasting mana

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