I know some of you have betas and have been playing as well.

Whats everyone's favorite race/unit/ability etc...

Right now I'm loving toss, so thats what I'll talk about.

-Kinda dissapointed in zealots, charge is kinda weak I'd much rather just have speedlots like SC1. DT's and templars seem kinda trivial with the new units added, they might need change to be effective.
-Stalkers and blink are obviously freakin awesome. Versus melee units using ledges and blink is legit. Also warp prisms//warp gate from gateways are kinda aweseome for base drops with stalkers.
-Immortals are freakin tanks, I'm not too fond of collosus but they can be strong with stalker combo to climb up the side of base for a sneak attack.
-Void rays are really strong, total expansion destruction. Any game vs zerg I feel air is really strong, especially if you go unnoticed and they go roaches. Roaches are really strong but can't attack air obviously. It seems like hydras aren't as good of an option anymore so going air versus zerg is pretty good if you don't get rushed early.
-Mothership is slow as fuck, but strong and vortex is so fun.
-Also gotta love sentries, guardian shield is watsup. Force field is good if your pro and use it right but its kinda hard to me at least...

Others notes: Fuck reaper rushes that shit is so lame.