Quote Originally Posted by twostars View Post
Let's be clear about something. I don't want the money. Never have, never did. Yes - I needed the additional money at some point, don't we all. That doesn't make us greedy or any such. Since we keep referring back to KI, the question becomes - why didn't you just refund your donators? So you got your account locked, it'll get unlocked eventually. Have you refunded them yet? In my case, I WOULD refund all recent donations. Money's great and all, but people can live without it. Sure, maybe just the bare essentials, but it's better off than being rich and in most cases uncaring (as the stereotype goes).
Neither do I. I am interested in the development because I want the knowledge, not the money. I wanted to be a developer since I am 3, luckily won the computer development section in an university. I always wanted to code these Atari games myself. Getting better and better day by day. Knowledge is something you cannot buy with money, but money is something you can earn with knowledge. I am actually happy about myself. A year ago I had no idea about internet threats (e.g sql injection) and kept asking about it to people. Right now I can even bypass people's security to prove they are not secure, hell, I can even tell you the mistakes you did on your panel (Or well, it's the style you code, perhabs.) or how things could be improved. Probably you know about them either.

Indeed, I would refund everyone, I have a name on KO community and I wouldn't want it to be ruined just for few bucks. I wanted to refund people, however, the situation is different so stop calling me as a scammer. Some turkish guys sold a character, then they donated the money for KI. The character buyer chargebacked his money, therefore our money was chargebacked automatically. Since they donated like 60 times, PayPal blocked our account suddenly, making us cannot even insert money into account, and started to investigate. I cannot refund anybody's money, because there is no such option, nor anything I can do except seeing a wall of text once I login. We phoned PayPal couple of times, however they keep saying our account is still under investigation, and it will rougly be unblocked at May. (After 180 days of the payments made.) %80 of the donators chargebacked their money anyway. (Glad to see that, because I feel less guilty.) Please, enlight me with your knowledge, what can I do if PayPal gives me no options? What would you do if you were in my situation?

You use a nice strategy on your replies. Find your enemies weak point and keep striking it. (In this case like how you keep calling me as scammer, I believe you will skip the "enlight me" part once again.)

None of the text you write are actually replies for me. The replies I make are constructive feedback, literally giving you some information about the possible problems you may face in the future, and telling you to have plans about it. Also asking as a potential player in your server, what kind of plans you made. For sure, if they has to be kept secret, you could tell, but calling these comments as destructive criticism doesn't make sense to me, since they are not. These are my feedbacks, with plently of others.

@ilovemyko1; For sure KI 3 wasn't the greatest server, but so far, most of the people who played in KI 2 still tells me it was a great server and they enjoyed it. It's your opinion, I respect it, however understand that, this topic is not about the success of KI so stop bringing it up.

As for the other lines in your comment, read my reply to Twostars, it will enlight you also.