Lol you idiot. You just showed that you use KOXP. KOXP (koxxx) has auto party option, they inv you and your in party striaght anyway without saying yes/no. You declined and tp'd to moradon or sumin and came back and your still in party.
This is a discussion on Bug abuse FTW! within the General Chat forums, part of the Knight Online ( category; Lol you idiot. You just showed that you use KOXP. KOXP (koxxx) has auto party option, they inv you and ...
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Lol you idiot. You just showed that you use KOXP. KOXP (koxxx) has auto party option, they inv you and your in party striaght anyway without saying yes/no. You declined and tp'd to moradon or sumin and came back and your still in party.
calling me names?Originally posted by Granny1
Lol you idiot. You just showed that you use KOXP. KOXP (koxxx) has auto party option, they inv you and your in party striaght anyway without saying yes/no. You declined and tp'd to moradon or sumin and came back and your still in party.
i am one of few who can say that i NEVER CHEATED.
everything happened exactly the way that i described above.
dont come and tell people they are idiots when you dont know the facts.
its just a bug with how ko is set up now if u get invited to a party ur pretty much in party until u decline / accept he doesn't have to have koxp on for that to happen
and jus for ppl know if ur trying to catch ppl using koxp that have a priest in party take off some of ur jewels or nething that raise hp and and put them back on and leave ur hp low then ask them for invite if they invite u dont accept and u will see urself get auto healed / buff
if only gms were this smart cuz koxpers starting to catch on to dt
i wasnt sure about the color.