I have been playing ko for almost 2 years now and I have always played as a warrior(main character)
The warrior class has the biggest disadvantage in the game. They can't light feet to run away, they can't 2k heal and they can't gate, they can't cure themselves thus they become sitting ducks until they hit lvl 75. Warrors get the scream skill, which is good when it works, but it rarely works. I think leg cut works more often and that seems like a 20-30% success rate. So here is my proposal.

Change the scream to a range attack that can hit, stun, and drag a player back to the warrior.(like scorpion in mortal combat). This way there is a chance to catch a rogue running with light feet or a mage that is dropping ice all over you. It could have a range of 10-15 so you can't drag someone across the map, but can get to those who are close. Having a regen time the same as scream keeps it from being spamable.

Does anyone else think this is a good idea?