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Date: 10.11.2006 Subject: KOL Service Level Agreement

This is a discussion on Date: 10.11.2006 Subject: KOL Service Level Agreement within the General Chat forums, part of the Knight Online ( category; how about this idea they somehow rollback ALL ROFD quest and implement a patch to stop abusing and let everyone ...
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  1. #46


    how about this idea they somehow rollback ALL ROFD quest and implement a patch to stop abusing and let everyone go at the quest again. id be laughing my ass off if some of the 75-80s dropped down to 65-72.

  2. #47
    Senior Member Private's Avatar
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    Mar 2006


    just stop speculating in a day or two we all will know wats going to happen

  3. #48


    They don't hear us or our complains.

    They instead are now congratulating themselves on implementing a Customer Service Plan. We had a customer service plan. You say we didn't know what to expect or when...

    We expected get this... hold for it, this comes as a shock I know....

    CUSTOMER SERVICE!!!!!!!!!!

    We expected it in a timely manner. A timely manner. Now, the people who play this game are patient. They have to be or they would have either quit or bombed your offices.

    I work for a major corporation and a huge part of my job is the training and implementation of proper customer service. Without a solid customer service team and policy, any corporation will crumble.

    Honesty. The customers expect honesty. They not only expect it, but at this point, they are demanding it. You want to make things better. Be honest with us.

    Instead of starting out your message with the old "K2 puts it's players first" crap. Be honest....

    Dear online players,

    Due to an increased player pool way beyond what we originally had ever planned, we regretfully agree that we did not meet your expectations. We have let you down as a consumer. We have been making great strides in making sure this doesn't happen in the future. The way we are now handling customer service is this...

    See? This is a much better start. People will actually not roll their eyes as they read the first few paragraphs. They will (some at least) actually believe that you care about their concerns.

    Question and Answer session. I think these players will be hand picked. I think you will go to the moderators of the forums and ask which friends they want to be invited. I frankly don't think you have the nads to invite real people. I know alot of people who want real answers and will ask hard straightforward questions.

    You want to know where you stand as a company in the player's eyes? People who have played this game for years as selling their accounts. There are right now over 100 high level accounts being sold on Diez alone at this minute. These accounts are not macroed, they were leveled the hard way from the beginning of the game.

    There are families of game players leaving. When I started, my daughters and son and his friends all played. They have all left the game for another that has no duping and has customer support. I have no less than 12 abandoned accounts that I can choose to play on. I have my original one that I stopped buying premium for since there was no CS. I have another that I have been waiting fir trinas from gold for the past 3 months. You see, I have been more than patient.

    Why do we stay, even though the duping is outrageous and the cheaters are never going to be dealt with? We stay for our friends. Yet, our friends are now leaving as well. When my friends finally say "Enough", then we all will leave. We will leave behind our accounts and move onto another game where our families are already.

    We hear from our families and friends who are playing the other game. Every day they tell us how nice it is and we still log in and put up with this mess. We love this game. We don't like the provider of it.

    So, the ball is in your court. You want to keep us? YOU make it happen. We have one foot out the door.

  4. #49


    I AGREE TOTALLY, what they deserve is a real MMORPG, "multiple massive online ready people to go" another game.

  5. #50


    aw thats cool , only problem is that is a lie .
    posted a CS ticket at september 28th and recieved three messages from cs since then .
    Hail blablabla , i am unable(temorarily)to solve your issue and i have directed it to another dipartment . please be patient while we work to solve it ."
    2nd : "blah blah blah we are working on your issue blah blah blah"
    3rd : same as 2nd , fuking copy paste message...
    well tbh i cant see how they implent this when they cant solve my fuking problem in 14 days(i had silver prem that days)....

  6. #51
    Senior Member
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    Mar 2006


    Originally posted by Private
    well u'd be really surpised the infastructure that jagex has they can actually pull information from 6 years ago when there game was known as runescape classic

    all trade logs saved all tp logs saved all conversation history saved

    and when it comes to there pmods every single thing they do is saved and documented

    thats jagex tho runescape can afford to be like a bank
    Sure, and u already know K2 hired players that hacked their database to make a stupid procedure to delete dupes back in 2005 right? That the best way they can fix an acc is restart server coz they cant manage the server in the right way.
    And runescape was manager far far far better than USKO, they actually had tech ppl doing tech work, not a 19 year old dude selling items over the internet.
    They have no idea what it takes to run properly the game, they got the money but the lack of prepared people working for them (besides the gms selling shit on ebay) has ruined KO til the shitty piece of crap it is now.

    Believe me, if they actually knew what it takes to manage this even this forum would not exist.

  7. #52
    Senior Member Private's Avatar
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    Mar 2006


    well u'd be suprised how many of my freinds who hacked for a living and now work for fbi upon being cought / raided

    there no longer freinds there refered to as snithches

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