i had lvl 72 shadow vane named 0000000 show up, seemed like a noobie char so i didnt press start
This is a discussion on New way to hack by bug? within the General Chat forums, part of the Knight Online (ko4life.com) category; i had lvl 72 shadow vane named 0000000 show up, seemed like a noobie char so i didnt press start...
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i had lvl 72 shadow vane named 0000000 show up, seemed like a noobie char so i didnt press start
well my net is kinda slow now (fu provider) so i can't try it. Did anything changed after new patch?
I went ot bring up my sin and it brought up a very well known dies orc sin, like 1 of the best players i know, but ive known him for so long so i decided to get on it and get him naked, then pmed him on messenger and told him i got hacked and he freaked it was funny, but he whipped my ass for it, lol i love that kid to death, what are the chances 1 of your best friends accounts comes up. :wub:
my 68 BP got hacked yesterday T___T
This really sucks, if i get hacked out of this deal, im gonna fuckin freak out, sorry for my language, i seem to swear alot i think every post lol, but were all big boys and girls
a question for those who got hacked... how much time were you out of the game before you saw you got hacked?
one night, lets say 8-9 hours for meOriginally posted by Yoav
a question for those who got hacked... how much time were you out of the game before you saw you got hacked?
2 hours
I thınk ı have been hacked everytıme a patch comes :lol:
The gm on xıg was gonna work on ıt for the 4th tıme
Anyone wanna bet cash ıt wont work out?. that means ı wont get ıtems back.
Well. serıously. No rollback no prem. told gm CLEARLY
Serıously though legit 4 times rebuilded myself everytıme and get raped just as good
got a bardish +6 from a guy though. charıty ftw now ıll ask tıoc for charıty rappy +8 ftw
well it seems there more of us, hacked :blink:
I was pking till 6 am , then i logged off ( 1st time in the week that i turn off my pc ) , and i log about 10:30 -11 am , and naked, btw the msg from hacker to CS was done at 8 :40 am.
Anyone on diez have this problem??
meOriginally posted by MackDagger
Anyone on diez have this problem??
Sorry i dont pay attention to siggy's, but that sucks, even though your Elmo, i feel bad for you