PM Bobert and ask what clan your in NOW and it doesnt concern you? thought you hate cheaters.
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PM Bobert and ask what clan your in NOW and it doesnt concern you? thought you hate cheaters.
Chris they just cant accp that u are the best player from KO :wub:Originally posted by NYchris
thats not my clan my char is in terrorist and the whole last alliance clan is almost all turks now and i dont know anyone in it except kelly so what does that have to do with me
bobert dosent play anymore and hasent played in months and i dont hate anyone i just think your a noob.
uber l33t gear
im noob im only +8/7
This post is so pointless, you have some no name retard who couldn't even beat me in a 1v1 while i was naked (Kennie) and some other no name idiot (azreal) running his mouth about how legit he is and how babashopped NyChris is, NyChris's clan is, etc. Who cares? Honestly, the time i cared about items is long gone. In fact I am a member of the MOST legit clan in this game bar none, so if you want to talk about how legit you are go ahead. I'm proud of you and the fact that obviously you are a child that needs recognition. So to quote grid to both yourself and your friend Kennie, RETARD.
mordeth i miss u
If you want to cheat to gain items, go ahead... just dont come crying when you get banned... i hate silly posts on this forum
OMG IVE BEEN HACKED <-- thats a popular one...
I made this post in response to a question posted by NYChris about the legitimacy of my armor. Not to get attention. Nowhere did I accuse anyone else of being a cheater, a hacker, a babashopper or anything like that. In response to my post I get one guy who starts flaming me about all the dupes on the server and how he's more legit than me because he doesn't buy anything in the marketplace ~cough -- yeah right~ and then of course NYChris who apparently didn't like my response. Rather than just read my post and congratulate me on playing this game according to its terms of service, NYChris called me names and tried to libel my reputation.
NYChris you don't know me, and I don't know you. I've been playing since open beta. I never heard of your name until you suddenly -- and I do mean suddenly -- became the top np holder on Ares. I never leveled you, or with you. I don't remember ever seeing you around.
I remember many good people from Ares, the real good guns from the beginning. Bota. Justo. Tate_Tricky. Fro. Bobert -- the original. I was a noob named Ungnone. I lived in Karus nation leveling people and giving away the drops I got to people who were brave enough to join my noob clan.
"Ungnone = nicest guy in KO" -- Babek (See KO4Life forum topic "I have joined your forum"). <--- This is the kind of post that makes me keep playing K.O.
"RETARD" -- NYChris. This is how fights get started, man.
The word "Retard" is not an argument. Those of you who respond to me with this term need to get a new mantra.
Mordeth please show me where in my original post I accused NYChris of something. This whole post was in response to a question NYChris asked on a thread which was locked almost immediately because of his flaming. You claimed in one sentence that it's childish of me to make a post bragging about the legitimacy of my clan, but then in the next sentence you bragged about the legitimacy of your own clan. I see nothing wrong with bragging about clan. I see nothing wrong with your clan. Futility seems like a nice, hard working clan leader. (He told me he was a silly archer -- so am I).
Well somehow on this nice post I went astray and engaged in tit-for-tat negative affect reciprocity with you, and for that I apologize. I'm done. That's all I had to say.[/list]
retard stfu and go dupe more why would i congradulate a duper?
It's spelled "congratulate."Originally posted by NYchris
retard stfu and go dupe more why would i congradulate a duper?
yes it is but your still a duper retard
it is "you're"
nah i type how i type if you got a problem with it you can once again suck my dick but you seem to like it cause you keep responding after you said you wouldnt
why would you want a guy to suck your thing. im homophobic you know.
if farming items, buying and selling it is what you call a "duper" then 99.9% of the players are dupers. want a dupe free game and ignore the market? go make your own private server and be happy.
we are done talking with you, we present our opinions to the argument but all you do is flame and doesn't even do it right.
ah now dosent that sound familiar when you called me a kosper and glitcher back in the day without listening to reason payback is sweet huh and its funny how this annoys you cause im just doing it to annoy you in the first place retard.