-You used to spend time on that game more than other people in this forum.
You were just one of those noobs that quitted "because of" the cooldown K2 brought to USKO.
No mention that this cooldown shouldn't bother you in cz really, in vs it does but in cz it shouldn't.
-You used to sit in this forum..(4?) months ago everyday for at least 3-4hours a day commenting on people's topics and trying to lure people so you can "troll" them with your nonsense comments.
-"His crew", if most of this forum hate you it doesn't means we are all friends that sit and speak about how to piss on razor at KO4Life.
You're simply an example for a lowlife person, you used to sit here everyday annoying people with your stupidity and
yet you're talking about him...wasting his time on this forum?