This is a discussion on HeaveN(Cypher) vs MasterStroke(Ronark) [GNGWC] 2012 within the Media forums, part of the Knight Online ( category; ...
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cant watch
lol was very easy for heaven... i dont see the hp of their party going down at all lol. btw that music for a video pk is a big fail !
nice edit , good teamwork.
mages havent got any chance if all warrior got 14 k hp and wear talia with res 200 flame
heaven is all hackers.. i remember when they hacked a gm and injected items for themselves. they all have +3 rofs/full +9s.. one of their characters god banned and a week later had an 83 with full +3s/hb +9
Dudes hp+def+ap+duffer+curer=all non babas drop
Really loved the edit, the beginning was wow.. Second music kinda made all bad but still grate 2 strong clans !
I like the edit very much. Nice fight but not that even that I could hope for but still gg. Gz for the victory heaven.