Im sorry guys but this is fucking retarted, have personally seen way to many post and harsh comments saying nigger this and nigger that , WTF is wrong with you fucking people ? Do you have no respect for other cultures , I know that some of it is to be funny but who the fuck are you to be making jokes using that name , especially if your ass is not black , which btw is even worse when a black person says this as well . Who ever the user Private is I really hope to meet you one day , ill show you how it feels to be demoralized you fuckin slutmuffin , you seem to use this term freely as if noone would be offended . Just doing a search on the term on this form pulls up 40 fucking post containing this , I know that may be small compared to the amount of post here but thats 40 to many in my opinion . I see alot of different races using this term very lightly and I Honestly dont think they know what the hell there saying ( Way to much BET ) . Well for you uneducated twats who speak without knowing the meaning of a word here you are ( ) please pay attention to the number ONE explanation of this word much less the rest of it . So for those of you who know what this means and still use it fuck you and to those of you who dont know understand that alot of people can and will find it offensive .