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KO players for Obama

This is a discussion on KO players for Obama within the Off Topic forums, part of the Entertainment category; learn to read please for the love of fucking god, talking to u is like talking to a mix between ...
Page: 69

  1. #1021


    learn to read please for the love of fucking god, talking to u is like talking to a mix between vandy and private

    i said clinton set up our budget so that we would be debt free in 10-20 years, where did i say ANYTHING about boosting the economy?
    please audio just stfu for once, ur just an idiotic sack of shit[/b]
    have i even adressed you at all in these forums besides this, where you compare bush and clinton???? your jump to a flame is very amusing

    The MAJORITY of your party is an utter joke and were wrong. There are a few moderates that are reasonable as well as people like Ron Paul who knows what he is talking about within your party.

    The problem is the neocons are the MAJORITY of your party.

    The past 8 years nearly everything your party has done has been the WRONG thing to do.

    You know why I have barely posted in this thread? Because there would be no point. People like you, Private, elucid, and bombshell are so fully indoctrinated by the right for whatever reason that you will never change your opinion no matter how many times you are repudiated. It would have been like talking to a wall.

    During most of your near incoherent response you put words in my mouth without even realizing your own ignorance. There are people worse or as worse as Bush that are in your party, namely Sarah Palin, Karl Rove, Ted Stevens, Elizabeth Dole, Dick Cheney and these are just the ones that are in the spotlight during this election. The John McCain during the campaign would also make that list, before this campaign I would not list him among the trash above. His concession speech in some ways redeemed him but ironically it completely repudiated nearly his entire campaign.[/b]
    putting words in your mouth? haha ok, if you say so.

    @ the bold.... like wise ^_^

  2. #1022
    []D [] []V[] []D Senior Member T_rey's Avatar
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    I think this is probably the first time I have ever agreed with Eric on these forums, I also like how you start arguing with these morons after the election is over

    PS: Guys, Obama is as much white as he is black >.< damn I hate how everyone seems to be so happy that we have a black president, rather then a president looking to better the US

  3. #1023
    Define ʎʇılɐǝɹ. Senior Member The_Real_PlodeZ's Avatar
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  4. #1024


    ROFL is all i have to say

  5. #1025


    yep...ko players for obama..

    archers 2..

    Thats an unique Iron Bow +15 not rebirthed . Whatch out Obama

  6. #1026


    Obama has advisors that far outweigh any possible positive McCain has on his supposed foreign policy. Seriously stop, you&#39;re only making your party seem more ignorant. PLEASE LOOK OUTSIDE YOUR OWN PARTY&#39;S IDIOTIC RHETORIC.

    Also you can contend that McCain has some foreign policy experience from his time in the senate but to even act like his experience in the military means absolutely ANYTHING in reference to being President is laughable. And I know I&#39;m going to be called names for saying this, because I already have above. There&#39;s no doubt that McCain is an American Hero for what he did during his time as a PoW and his service to the country. BUT, to consider this as something that will help him govern better is a JOKE.

    During the majority of his military service he crashed SEVERAL planes and most of the incidents were due to PILOT INCOMPETENCE. He was ranked 894 out of 899 in his naval academy class and the only reason he went ANYWHERE in the navy was due to his father and grandfather being retired Admirals. Again, he is an American Hero but that has NOTHING to do with his ability to govern. My own father served in the navy and I am proud of him just like any of our men and women stationed around the world.

    In the event we are attacked I would feel MILES more comforted with Obama in the whitehouse as opposed to someone who has shown in the past and has stated his penchant for gut decisions and jokes around about BOMBING Iran... Has no idea that we are allied with Spain... need I go on?

    And no, you are completely misinformed about Obama&#39;s taxplan. People making under 200k$ a year will not have their taxes raised and will recieve a tax break. People over 200k$ a year will see their taxes go up 3% which isn&#39;t even as extreme as the Clinton tax plan over 8 years ago.[/b]

    You are very informed, elucid stop embarising your self

  7. #1027


  8. #1028


    ahhahaha nice one :lol:

  9. #1029
    (\/) (;,,;) (\/) Why not Zoidberg? Admin camaz0tz's Avatar
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    have i even adressed you at all in these forums besides this, where you compare bush and clinton???? your jump to a flame is very amusing [/b]
    do i need to talk to u more than once to make an inference about what talkign to u is like? didnt think so, now will u please stfu? ur never right always juts proving more and more to everyone on the forum what an idiotic little shit u are

    "its better to remain quiet and thought to be a fool than to open ur mouth and remove all doubt" words u should live by audio

  10. #1030


    do i need to talk to u more than once to make an inference about what talkign to u is like? didnt think so, now will u please stfu? ur never right always juts proving more and more to everyone on the forum what an idiotic little shit u are

    "its better to remain quiet and thought to be a fool than to open ur mouth and remove all doubt" words u should live by audio[/b]
    really? you&#39;re going to flame me? for???? you&#39;re such a little twat. "stfu you&#39;re a moron blah blah blah" have you ever EVER added one intellegent thing to any thread in any forum? i havent see one from you. i havent seen an opinion from you worth a second glance. ignorance is bliss, and obviously you&#39;re in heaven, quick quick search bliss. dumbass. stay on topic and stop the pointless flame. you compared clinton to bush and implied how bush screwed up the economy , oh yea clinton was the christ of the economy. such a dumb flame happy lil kid.

  11. #1031


    First step has been completed.

    Second step: Economy is going to tank(As in more than 15%). Most likely on Feb-March of 2009.

    Third step: A war will begin on July-August. Not a big one thought. Just to get things warm up. (I&#39;m not quite sure of this one...)


    Want to know the future? Research it yourself

  12. #1032
    Senior Member Private's Avatar
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    And no, you are completely misinformed about Obama&#39;s taxplan. People making under 200k$ a year will not have their taxes raised and will recieve a tax break. People over 200k$ a year will see their taxes go up 3% which isn&#39;t even as extreme as the Clinton tax plan over 8 years ago.[/b]
    oh erics back again i guess its easy for you considering ur party has taken control and are promising to be bi-partisan which is basically there way of saying u either work with us or your against us and when they clearly have the majority of media in there corner, and anyone who didn&#39;t play fair got shut out , which ya know i can understand considering in the past democrats proposed legislation to further control the media .

    Bring up clinton all u want the man did more in his last days pardoning people and signing the kyoto treaty which was a joke , summing up his actual 8 years is easy bj&#39;s + internet/20millionjobs = easy surplus .

    I can&#39;t wait until his state of the union address eric and others like him will be speechless kinda like the gays in California , his surrogates have already said tax&#39;s wont and cannot be raised during this recession , and as far as iraq and afghanistan he&#39;s said the fight is in afghanistan , troops wont be comming home and the us wont be leaving iraq we are still in vietnam and every other place we&#39;ve been . Obama has more then just wats currently on his plate if he doesn&#39;t keep pelosi and ried in check any chance of them remaining in control is a joke .

    Democrats can blame bush and blame the republican party all they want , but 10 years from now people will realize bush dealt with 2 wars (iraq , afghanistan) , 2 major disasters (katrina , 9/11) , and the "inconvenient truth" (now known as climate change).

    obama spends more then any president in the history of the united states and gets 63,347,102 votes out spending bush in 2004 by 200 million and bush got 62,040,610 votes only difference other then the 200 million$$$ and 1.3 million votes is obama lied

  13. #1033
    Senior Member Private's Avatar
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    btw 95% of blacks voted for obama and 4 % voted for mccain

    but as a nation black voters united and voted 100% in a number of states legalizing pot


  14. #1034
    (\/) (;,,;) (\/) Why not Zoidberg? Admin camaz0tz's Avatar
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    really? you&#39;re going to flame me? for???? you&#39;re such a little twat. "stfu you&#39;re a moron blah blah blah" have you ever EVER added one intellegent thing to any thread in any forum? i havent see one from you. i havent seen an opinion from you worth a second glance. ignorance is bliss, and obviously you&#39;re in heaven, quick quick search bliss. dumbass. stay on topic and stop the pointless flame. you compared clinton to bush and implied how bush screwed up the economy , oh yea clinton was the christ of the economy. such a dumb flame happy lil kid.[/b]
    yes, yes...IM the idiot...let me explain this to u one last time ok? ill go slow so u can keep up(this is the part of u that reminds me of vandy btw)

    clinton, our former president, he set up the USA&#39;s debt, the thing thats now in the trillions, to be all GONE, which means it doesnt exist anymore, in a plan that would take roughly 10 to 20 years. then bush, our last president, came along and decided to go to a pointless war, iraq, which caused our debt to sky rocket, which is the exact opposite of the plan clinton set in motion

    i didnt imply bush screwed up the economy at all, i said he screwed up clintons plan to eliminate the debt problem

    so as said learn to fucking read

  15. #1035
    Senior Member Bathory's Avatar
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    btw 95% of blacks voted for obama and 4 % voted for mccain

    but as a nation black voters united and voted 100% in a number of states legalizing pot

    YES WE CAN[/b]
    Don&#39;t you ever get tired of making up shit? You don&#39;t really need to answer, we all know. You can keep debating what you think will happen in the next couple of years, time will be the answer. In the mean time do something productive. Go open up a history book and learn. Its a really fascinating subject.


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