Simple as they to answer it.... :blink:


My girlfriend calls up me crying tonight and says

"Swear on my life, you've never cheated on me" - Loz
"Uhhh, Loz, whats this all about, jesus christ, of course, I swear on you're life, i swear on you're death bed, i've never cheated throughout our relationship" - Mike
"*Cry more*" - Loz
"Loz!! Whats brought all this on? Do you believe me?!" - Mike
"I have to go, my mums shouting at me to get off the phone, i love you so much" - Loz
"I'll ring you tomorrow, you've got me confused, I wish I knew more why you're upset when you know, i love the bloody world out of you, why would I cheat?" - Mike
"I have to go! Ring me at 10 tomorrow, I love you loads" - Loz
"Alright, see ya darlin, Love you so much" - Mike

Now...All i've done is text her asking her whats brought this on, whos said somthing to her to make her believe such shit. I have NEVER cheated on her, and I never would, i've told her so many times that I wouldn't and wont!

How would you of answered that? Was I right, Was i wrong....I just don't understand, because im truly innocent. (Such a rare feeling for myself, I always get caught doing bad stuff :mellow: :unsure

Just simply tell me, what would of you said if you're girlfriend accused you of cheating when you BLATANTLY Haven't.