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Raiding experience

This is a discussion on Raiding experience within the World Of Warcraft forums, part of the PC Gaming category; So, post how far and any loot u got from any raid No loot, but a easy kill, posting more ...
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  1. #1


    So, post how far and any loot u got from any raid

    No loot, but a easy kill, posting more soon tho

  2. #2
    Senior Member SlmShady's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2006


    omg noob only netherspite?!!11111oneoneone. :P I got to SSc trash and VR b4 i left my guild-server----druid. They were dicks and wouldnt let me in on farm content so i never got any drops

  3. #3


    why r u using mage armor and wisdom???

    r u runing oom fast on netherspite?

    btw, no SS but gruuls down and we r runing The Eye atm.

  4. #4
    Senior Member SlmShady's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2006


    zomg u forgot mag!!! o.O (VR is ez with DBM)

  5. #5
    niggerjewnerdfgtdouche Senior Member TempesT's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    everywhere, form here to there


    Finished ssc and tk befor i had to go inactive.

  6. #6


    why r u using mage armor and wisdom???

    r u runing oom fast on netherspite?

    btw, no SS but gruuls down and we r runing The Eye atm.[/b]

    cause i didn't feel like have Molten Armor, mostly since i need mana regen and we had no shadowpriest or anything like that in the raid
    So, took mage armor instead of 3% crit since i already got around 20% crit

    if we got shaman/shadow priest i would use my Molten amor instead of mana regen h34r:

  7. #7


    This was from last week, This was the kill I got my T4 helm from.

    We are going to kill nightbane. Currently have kara on farm.

  8. #8


    cause i didn't feel like have Molten Armor, mostly since i need mana regen and we had no shadowpriest or anything like that in the raid
    So, took mage armor instead of 3% crit since i already got around 20% crit

    if we got shaman/shadow priest i would use my Molten amor instead of mana regen h34r:[/b]
    Molten armor is one of the best skill for mage. I only use Mage Armor when i'm tanking Krosh (Maulgar's Mage) because i usually go with half stam gear (about 10.5k HP unbuffed) and i lose a lot of mana spaming spellsteal.

    Try to use gems (at least the last 4) and pots on CD. But pls, use molten armor and increase a lot ur final DPS.
    BTW, r u getting the blue ray? or ur raid use 2 warlocks?
    U really dont need a Shaman/SP in this fight. Just use evocation asap and then gem + pot on CD.

    maybe a usefull tip (now that prolly ur next step will be gruuls), respec to arc/fire or deep fire... cause u'll cry a lot when u see ur dps there as frost... :S

    and gratz for clearing Karaz.

  9. #9


    Molten armor is one of the best skill for mage. I only use Mage Armor when i'm tanking Krosh (Maulgar's Mage) because i usually go with half stam gear (about 10.5k HP unbuffed) and i lose a lot of mana spaming spellsteal.

    Try to use gems (at least the last 4) and pots on CD. But pls, use molten armor and increase a lot ur final DPS.
    BTW, r u getting the blue ray? or ur raid use 2 warlocks?
    U really dont need a Shaman/SP in this fight. Just use evocation asap and then gem + pot on CD.

    maybe a usefull tip (now that prolly ur next step will be gruuls), respec to arc/fire or deep fire... cause u'll cry a lot when u see ur dps there as frost... :S

    and gratz for clearing Karaz.[/b]
    Kara aint hard, cleared it ALONG time ago
    Cleared Gruul to...

    And we were 2-3 ranged dps to share the ray, so was a easy fight
    Almost never got warlocks in netherspite, sure they are good to have but not that needed.
    and i dont use the mage armor and wisdom cause i usually use Salvation and molten amor
    dude, i know how to raid and i aint a nub

    Ofc im fucking going fire but i got the shadoweave set(wich i choosed before i choosed to raid)
    I got 3/3 in shadoweave and just waiting until i get the chest and pauldrons in new gear(kara drops) and then im going fire
    And if u complain about frost in pve ur not that good raider urself, frost is better than fire in most cases cause u survive longer
    sure u do more dps as fire but u die alot faster and ur not that good dps in the long range
    sure u got evocation + gems + pots but so? i can cast faster, crit alot more and i survive longer
    So, either i choose a easy dying specc wich i can "nuke" alot faster
    or i choose the longer dps and harder to die specc

  10. #10


    Kara aint hard, cleared it ALONG time ago
    Cleared Gruul to...

    Almost never got warlocks in netherspite, sure they are good to have but not that needed.

    And if u complain about frost in pve ur not that good raider urself, frost is better than fire in most cases cause u survive longer[/b]
    well, as u posted the netherspite kill i thought that was ur last kill in progression. gratz for gruuls also.

    about the locks on netherspite, well thats true that is not needed, but 1 lock can solo a full blue ray and dont need a healer spaming heals on him, but ofc that u know that right, now that u said that u r not noob

    and about my complain... well, i'm deep frost and i never get top dps on gruuls fight and if u does, well, ur rogues and locks just SUX a lot...


  11. #11


    wasn't nr1 in gruul, just kara but was nub rouges and stuff i think
    they weren't any good and i was the only one who critted high on curator to, the rest was around 5-10k only...

    btw, why are u full frost? u know that it's not that good for pve right?
    Unless you got another frost mage with u in every raid ur not that good dps

  12. #12


    arcane/fire >>>> ice pve lolz nab manes dont forget arcane have 40% less threat and if u look on armory on most of the gruul/tk/ssc raiding mage u'll see they r deep arcane/fire

  13. #13


    arcane/fire >>>> ice pve lolz nab manes dont forget arcane have 40% less threat and if u look on armory on most of the gruul/tk/ssc raiding mage u'll see they r deep arcane/fire [/b]

    and you will see alot of arcane/frost mages to, nab
    Every guild got atleast one frost mage, cause u cant depend on fire mages cause they die to easily
    sure fire mages is nice for pve but u still need frost mages

    u need to be alive to do some dps, and fire wont survive as long as frost mage do

  14. #14


    manes...die too easy? what u think as frost gruul wont 1 hit u? pvp YES ice gogogo survive blabla but doesnt metter survive in pve becoz u will get 1hited anyway

    and fire ofc he will survive same as ice IF he watch the fckin KTM

  15. #15


    Hell my guild doesnt have a single frost mage so unless if your mages are stupid enough to die thats with them mine dont, you are just holding back your guild progression with that specc, don't say its beacuse of the survival and all because if u play it smart u won't die.

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