So, as some of you are fully aware, Bazinga KO was attacked yesterday from Grobar or Andrej as his Skype name is. He claimed it was his friend who caused this issue, but I was kind of done messing with it as a whole. Firstly, for all of you older KO owners who played with ACME, you probably noticed this "Anti DDoS Guardian" program on your server as they pre-installed this and I never understood the entire point until now, it appears this program is the program that was used to prevent the exploit Grobar is using now to black mail and even threaten servers over. I will be leaving links to this "firewall" down below, so owners can download and use appropriately. This program and what it does is explained like this from there website:

Anti DDoS Guardian is high performance DDoS protection software for Windows Servers. It stops most DDoS/DoS attacks, including SYN attacks, IP flood, TCP flood, UDP flood, ICMP flood, slow HTTP DDoS attacks, Layer 7 attacks, Windows Remote Desktop brute force password guessing attacks, etc. The DDoS protection manages network flows, client bandwidth, client TCP connection number, UDP/ICMP packet rate, TCP half-open connection and so on. It can be successfully deployed on Windows website server machines, in a production environment, to easily ban country IP addresses with Apache's .htaccess files. Anti DDoS Guardian is fully compatible with Windows 2000, XP, 2003, 2008, Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10 and Windows 2012, in 32-bit and 64-bit. The new version adds functions to control UDP flows, by which Anti DDoS Guardian can prevent DNS servers from being DNS Amplification attack sources.
Basically this program sent TCP packets to act as legitimate game traffic, and as most owners are fully aware, the ebenezer for 12xx can only hold a max of 1500 users, this program itself was attacking and exploiting this feature, and was basically making the game server think it was full had 1500 users on, when in-fact it didn't at all. For those who don't have the assembly patch to this, [1.298] Socket accept issue - Assembly patches - Snoxd, Twostars released this patch a long time ago and it should be applied, shoutout to Twostars for this patch. I will not release the program he was using to exploit servers, but just know, this piece of software will help you fully block this old exploit.\

DDoS Protection | Anti DDoS | DDoS Mitigation free downloads - is the piece of software you need to handle this mess, if you have any questions regarding setup just reply below and I will help as need be. Flash is also working with it as well so he knows also.

So to end this, fuck you Grobar, and continue to be the prick you have always been. Credits to Flash for allowing me to test and sticking with me through it, and shoutout to Aesteris for guiding me through. I am releasing this publicly for the fact that I despise Grobar, Andrej, and whoever the hell else he thinks he is, and I also released it as I would rather not be that asshole of a server owner who maintains a fix for himself while others have to face this petty issue.

P.S. you fucked yourself when you not only threatened me, but threatened others, you also hinted me when you said it was a program you were using, so piss off.