about wipe?
This is a discussion on OldSchoolKO - ERAGON Reborns! JUNE THE 5TH (official) - Miami 13:00 hours within the Private Servers forums, part of the Knight Online (ko4life.com) category; about wipe?...
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about wipe?
New bug:
Safety (level 30 rogue's explorer skill that gives you 400 ac) actually makes you receive MORE damage.
Equip safety and try to kill something, you will get critical hit by an extremely ridiculous amount of damage (treants 900 damage, flame rock 2900 damage, etc)
Kinda funny bug...
make battle priest useful rouges spikeing for 1k wtf! dont make this class useless
any drop list?
lolll dms are buged in karus eslant, warriors deal 30k dmg to dm
Last edited by Wodan; 08-26-2014 at 04:27 AM.
tons of beta's and yet people keep finding new bugs and on skills? how exactly did you prepare the server for? donations? market is screwed up and there is no way to clean it without someone whining about it.
you ignore every 2nd question which is relevant , maybe people finally see what OSKO truly about.
goddamnit professor fix the fucking dmg bug, im 62 war i cant do shit cuz my dmg is 200 on dms.....
u had 3 days now and the same bugs r still there.... take this shit down and fix it then reopen, i never seen such a bad server.
I participated in beta 3.0 and 3.1, I specifically tested A LOT of exp quests in beta 3.1 to get from level 68 to level 70 (meaning I hunted a lot of pve monsters) and I never stumbled a healing or a bugged monster...
I believe turks are using some sort of hack to bug them.
So from all the posts i have the feeling that i shoud wait to join this server . Hope they fix those bugs.
overal the server is pretty fun because its populated as fuck but those chitin quests along with 1500/300 scrolls made the server even more pk than farm. Mages were quite overpowered the very first days and bugged dms that ppl farmed all day long and made tons of +6's (which is actually max) because there are no trinas and it's almost impossible to make +7. Nothing to do except pk. Well proffesor you just weren't ready to launch your new server and you rushed it because of yourko opens their soon. Shame on you
I found such dmg bug in beta 3.1 after 1h play it.
in first place i thought its happening after spaming torrments/malices on these mobs but feel its something other.
server wasnt reddy for opening, we all know why they decided to open it so fast.
I am really dissapointed of this new server
its 100000 times worst than adonis was or even cypher/kronos was.
most people come here for hardcore farm myko server and this is like ONE FROM MANY bugged pvp server
its like pk beta 3.2
these nps bonuses from premiums fuucked up this game
getting 50k nps in a day is retarded
these pots from dc premium are still op and vsing with someone is useless
and that pot for+10% is somethnig retarded
wanna see 65 masterd warrior with rap7 2100ap + 10%from pot / free +210ap is crazyyy and unbalanced for sure
1298 version was a lot better and a lot more balanced and playable.
I can understand that this version was opened only for get additional profit from sold valkirias/pathos but how after 3 years of holding not bad at all myko server u did somethnig so crap ????????
Do it is really so hard to copy db from last server and balance all exp/quest/skill dmg tables with this new version?
I feel like i wasted 10$ here and it wasnt worth it
it wasnt somethnig what I expected here
light farm/pvp server where all have shards/raptors+6, chitins+5/6 and same accesories, server like one from many
i am disappointed so bad, its complete other server style than osko showed us in last 3 years and its not so good as was before.
Or you could let go, start play/leave the server. The pk is great, the activity is good. Yes indeed, everyone is 6/5 sets, but that doesn't mean it's the end of the world. As soon as when bugs are fixed and everyone gets going (which will take a while) the server will be fine, master quest items still need to be farmed, when trina's and stuff are back +7 items can still be farmed, when all events are opened people again still got alot to farm. Right now it's a pk server but it will change and people actually get going again. About the ''way to many nps'' issue, welcome to USKO premiums my friend... As Proffessor stated this server will have USKO features, you and i knew it. Use em, or fall behind like the other people bitching around about the bad things.
All we can do at this point is either inform the staff about the bugs, and pray they are fixed soon enough...
we need a wipe after all bugs fixed.