This is a discussion on FinalLegacy in PSKO within the Private Server Recruitment forums, part of the Private Servers category; Originally Posted by YouGotPwndByMyAss
Kallop apex starts with lvl 70 cap
I noticed. Not sure why, but I assume it ...
Page: 66
So due to our allies deciding to play melee instead we've changed our plans for official. Our initial plan was to form a big mage team with some other clans, but after series of discussions with the clan, we decided to part ways and go on our own. Good luck to both Cartel and Chernobyl in the official. Our reason to split ways is mainly because it's easier to organize our members like this and we don't really see any benefit in joining a full melee clan that we have no solid ties to.
If you were already interested in joining, then you are still welcome to join us. If you are no longer interested, then please contact me here, KO4Life or Discord. We mainly play during peak hours in the Turkish time-zone.
- Discord
- Must be able to understand and speak English.
- Must be active.
- Must be able to understand we cannot help everybody but we try our best.
- Must follow the rules, which sadly follow the mood of the leaders
- Must use a "King" name tag if you're a mage.
- Must behave themselves and avoid causing useless drama.
Clan member list:
If you think you've been accepted, but your name is not on the list, then contact me and let me know your ingame name asap.
Last edited by Kallop; 04-28-2020 at 09:44 AM.
Just to make sure all our members are aware, we will join Undez in official. For individual members this will change almost nothing, since you will still "answer" to me and if you joined us as mages you will still play with us as you would've before. If you have any questions, then you can pm me here or on Discord.
Also, I'm pretty confident we have enough members for the time being, so recruitment has been closed until further notice.
Recruitment closed until further notice. We will recruit more members if some of our recruits don't show up or cannot play, but for now we have more than enough members.
I might open up recruitment for 1-2 active and experienced mages. Hit me up if you're interested and we'll talk.
Any room for priest?
Got alot of time since this covid situation.
Potentially looking for 2-3 mage players. Have to be PK ready, with valks, wings and pathos. Even trusted sharers will be welcome. Have to be able to play between 19:00-01:00 server time (UTC+2).
Last edited by Kallop; 05-26-2020 at 05:17 PM.
PM me here, Kallop#0600 on Discord or KingSlayer ingame and we'll have a chat.
We play together with UnDeStRuCtAbLeZzZzZ, so if you do want to join, you'll have plenty of people to play with, but you will be my responsibility. But you must be able to get along with all of our members and work together with the clan. I hate nothing more than selfishness.
Bump. Looking for a priest player to share a fully geared priest. Prerequisite is that we have to know who you are beforehand.
Not recruiting for the time being.
Last edited by Kallop; 07-13-2020 at 04:54 AM.
11/20/2020 Rise Online Alpha
Probably going to fuck around, if you're going to give it a shot and are an old member, then just hop on the Discord on the day of and you can come with us. Haven't decided what class we'll try out, but I'm kind of leaning towards just trying out how mages feel.