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Daily problems..

This is a discussion on Daily problems.. within the General Chat forums, part of the Knight Online ( category; Originally posted by TunaFishyMe What is good in school? *Its all relative. *For my white friends, Good in School means ...
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  1. #61


    Originally posted by TunaFishyMe
    What is good in school? *Its all relative. *For my white friends, Good in School means a 75. *For my asian parents, good in school means a 95+. *

    You have it easy in your house. *This is how it works in my family. *

    Dad: *Go wash the dishes.
    Me: Ok

    Dad: Go cut the lawn
    Me: Ok

    Dad: Go Wash the cars
    Me: Ok

    There is no such thing as "wait a minute" or "hold on a sec". *No such thing as "why?" or "how come?". *You just do it. *He isnt asking for your opinion or when you are free to do it, hes telling you to do it now. *

    This is what happens when im "studying" (but really playing KO) in my room. **Pking in cz* lallalalaa...*hears steps coming up the stairs* **Enter analytical phase* *<Nope, not my sister's footstep> <O Shit! Its Mom/Dad!> **Alt-Tab* **Grabs book on my lap* *Turn chair away from computer* ** Pretend to read*

    Get a Calc 92% on a test? *Comes home, DONT SAY A WORD. **At dinner* *
    Dad: What did you get on that Calc test you had 2 days ago?
    Me: *Not returned yet.

    *2 days later*

    Dad: What did you get on the Calc test.
    Me: *uhhh...92%
    Dad: What happened to the 8%? *The teacher gave you the oppurtunity to get 100% and you can only get 92%? I dont want to see you playing any games. *
    Me: Ok

    Thats how it is when I was in highschool. *Now that Im in university, no one can control me! MQWHAHAHAHAHA

    WOOOT we are the same!!!!!! asian parents >_> i get 96% on my math provincial ( final ) and they say, why the hell culdnt u get the last 4%, i dont get any praise and then i got 76% for my english and they yell the hell outta me.... i just wish i had white parents -.- 75%? WOW THATS HIGH!

  2. #62


    Originally posted by M0NSTERED+--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(M0NSTERED)</div>
    Hmm.. When I was younger and my parents asked me to do things... I would just do them because I was grateful that they went to work each and everyday, so that I could eat, sleep in a warm bed and play on the internet all the time...
    LOLOLOL!1!!1oneSHIFTrOfKL K :lol:[/b]

    Hey there is people with parent who fuck off they're lives like you probably do yours. And those kids dont have the internet or get to just jack off all day. Be grateful for what your parents give you even if they act like assholes sometimes.. Alot of teenagers have to even get jobs + go to school and wouldn't even have time for gaming..

  3. #63
    Join Date
    Mar 2006


    Originally posted by dazlin+--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(dazlin)</div>
    Originally posted by M0NSTERED@

    Hmm.. When I was younger and my parents asked me to do things... I would just do them because I was grateful that they went to work each and everyday, so that I could eat, sleep in a warm bed and play on the internet all the time...

    LOLOLOL!1!!1oneSHIFTrOfKL K :lol:

    Hey there is people with parent who fuck off they're lives like you probably do yours. And those kids dont have the internet or get to just jack off all day. Be grateful for what your parents give you even if they act like assholes sometimes.. Alot of teenagers have to even get jobs + go to school and wouldn't even have time for gaming..[/b]
    yup....totally agree, when my parents offer to pay me $ to do EASY house chores...i refuse, dont care what anyone says

  4. #64
    Banned Senior Member
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    Kanata eh?


    I gamed/worked/schooled easy, sure marks wern't the best but now i'm out of school :lol:

    Now I just gotta deal with "get off the computer and do somthing outside"

  5. #65


    lol dude maybe you shouldnt play that much there is a lot more to do than ko this is what i call "addiction" go out with friends have fun KO for me is just when i got nothing to do therefore i play when I'm bored.

  6. #66


    -_- -_- -_- -_- yup yup same for me asian parents expect 100% and nothing less i got 98% on a test. Dad goes and "Why didn't you get those last 2%?" no games for a week. -_-

  7. #67
    imma cut you up Senior Member lIIIIIIIIIIl's Avatar
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    Originally posted by SonHasQuitted
    Well to help u:

    Ive had the same problem...but i never answered (which got em more angry)

    The key is:

    I did good on school,and they saw that even my teacher told em i did good...

    Since the day they knew i was doing good @ school,they didnt bother me...

    Try it?
    what, u scam the teacher into giving u good results? h43r:

  8. #68
    imma cut you up Senior Member lIIIIIIIIIIl's Avatar
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    United States of Eurasia


    Originally posted by Erian
    -_- *-_- *-_- *-_- *yup yup same for me asian parents expect 100% and nothing less i got 98% on a test. Dad goes and "Why didn't you get those last 2%?" no games for a week. *-_-
    i swear u and tuna r twins or something.

    meh but i'm asian n my parents aren't that strict h43r:

  9. #69


    asians try to be completely perfect, all that covering up from the sun, driving in gloves...

  10. #70


    Glad im not asian, My parents go like 'OMG WTF BBQCAKeS GET OFF THE COMPUTER" or "YOU MAY NOT PLAY BLLBALB"
    I say "Ok" and continue but they keep on talkingtalkingtalking.

    /me prays for no actions to be made by parents

  11. #71


    My parents think iam addicted i think couse like, everytime something bigs gonna happen on ko, like wars,servers retstarts and new server is up, gogo lvl.. So everytimes that happens my dad or mom is like.

    -Come help me with my dinner
    -Take a walk with the dogs
    -Gogo, cut the law
    -Go dish.

    But iam like.

    -No man, come on 5 more mins.

    Then they turn of my internet :huh:

  12. #72


    My dad just always comes into my room .. and says .. " WTF .. you play again that game where u run with a guy in some green circle ? You play that freakin game for 3 years now .. are you dumb or something ? " ... no comment by my side .. and he goes outta my room ;D

  13. #73
    Senior Member
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    My problems.
    Me : zzzz, why the fuck am i lagging. *Goes downstairs to check main comp*
    Opens emule.... Dad downloaidng xxx Whores on the beach.. Oh, runs up stairs. :lol:

  14. #74
    Senior Member nesma's Avatar
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    Mar 2006


    drink, smoke, use drugs, get cops to get u home every night. after that for parents its just np to play ko sometimes.

  15. #75


    eww porno 4 daddy 0

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