"make money ligitly" = working in real life and spending your paycheck on a game? lol no thanks.Originally posted by battle_mrs
so u guys basically saying u agree with bug abusing the temple thats pretty sad if u cant make money legitly why even play
Its not very honorable of people to abuse the ft bug, but if k2 doesnt fix anything about it after having disabled FT for MONTHS, why care? If they dont know how to fix the bug they could have a gm babysitting the events. Obviously they cant hire 20something gms to sit at every FT in every server, so they could just make an announcement before every event saying that GMs will randomly spotlight FTs and check for and ban bug abusers. The threat alone should drastically decrease the number of abusers, and if they actually ban some people from time to time the message will get through very well. However they do nothing about it except just taking the easy route and closing the temple, an event which for people who dont spend their paychecks on a video game is very damn useful. Its a shame that the prices on the items you babashoppers spent real money on are going down, but I really dont care. K2 probably does though so dont worry, they'll close the temple since you people are also often the ones that buy gold premium and nation transfers and all the other stuff, so they wouldnt want to upset you.