I gave up my hopes on K2 when they started caring more for the non paying turkish players then all the other paying costumers! For me this game is dead. And if someone ever opens up a new KO I will leave asap.[/b][/quote]Originally posted by Holy+--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Holy)</div>Originally posted by JulioBR+--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(JulioBR)<!--QuoteBegin-Holy@
<!--QuoteBegin-JulioBRI still believe they will bring back scrolls on merchant, and it will save the game...or maybe im too optimist.[/b]
I had this bug 2 times... i dont wanna pay to pk and loose my money in a bug .
And i hope they let ppl merchant scrolls again, otherwise the game will die.
Game is dead already. Nobody plays the game cuz it's fun anymore, I know I don't. I stay cuz of the friends and because I got nuthing better to do with my spare time.
To be honest i agree with u, the game is dead but
Its not that easy to leave it, all the friends that u made, all the premiums that u'v bougth, all the work that u had to get a nice level...i think k2 has to consider it.
Hope they dont kill PVP...