We've seen this shit happen over and over again in our PK parties also. Happens randomly and the scrolls do disapear completely. I don't think K2 plans on making anything you buy in the Power-up Store tradable unless we bitch about it. At first they said it was a bug and I believe with all my heart that is bullshit. So that would mean all the Power-up Store shit bugged itself to say This Item is not tradable on them also right? LMAO It was another attempt for K2 to make money by forcing people to have to buy KC for scrolls seeing as this game is PK based. The retards need to fix this shit and everything else or their precious rating will plumet somemore again. Learn how to run a business is what I say or at least train the monkey behind the controls a bit better and tell him to stop taking so many banana breaks. LOL But seriosly...
This is getting fucken tiring! Bronze is all I'm buying till they fix this shit since high Turk time has been increasing again with all the exp bonuses on d2 and seeing as so many of them have people with no lives at all taking turns to lvl eachothers characters.