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This is a discussion on LordOfTheHumans within the General Chat forums, part of the Knight Online ( category; Originally posted by Wyvern+--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Wyvern)</div> <!--QuoteBegin-Shurt You've said that once already. I'm not being racist, but its fact. LordOfTheHumans IS ...
Page: 3

  1. #31
    Senior Member Shurt's Avatar
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    Mar 2006


    Originally posted by Wyvern+--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Wyvern)</div>
    You've said that once already. I'm not being racist, but its fact. LordOfTheHumans IS NOT IN ANY WAY legit. The day the character LordOfTheHumans was created was the last day he was legit.
    ok as u wish...But i know him...He paid about 2000$ for his items..He doesnt have have any +9 armors or weapon but yea he have lots of +2 +3 uniqs n yea these items r not drop but $ FTW ..anyway[/b]

  2. #32


    Wow so much jealousy in this forum. -_-

  3. #33
    Senior Member Shurt's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2006


    Originally posted by Sustain
    Wow so much jealousy in this forum. -_-
    Jealous of a blatent cheater adn his retarded supporters? Yep, you've caught me.

  4. #34


    You guys no better than lordofthegays babashoppers all the way dont give me tha shit kk mennn?

  5. #35


    bug abusing isilon anyway it's my friend
    murdering a child anyway it's my friend
    kidnapping someone anyways it's my friend

    What a retard position

  6. #36
    Phew Senior Member TempesT's Avatar
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    Mar 2006
    everywhere, form here to there


    he was banned for bug abusing, thats enough to prove hes a cheater....

    so first he had 228 str rest hp to have that hp? now its that he has +2, 3 jewels? make up your damn mind which one it is.

    ps: hes total shit, even with all that godly gear

  7. #37
    Senior Member
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    Mar 2006


    whats the point...228 strengh?
    MY priest with 48 spear + glas belt he hit for 600-700
    NEVER 228.

    Btw stop fight and goow morning guys. :wub:

  8. #38


    Lol the kids grew up and teaching the game to shurt,i have to remind that "makemyday" when u were playing mario shurt was making pk and there werent any1 called as lordofthedupers agas or ect.. So lordofthedupers or lordofthehumans is all legit,he is selling legit avedon axe +8,shinon +8 and items such as that, in turkish forums coz he is the blessed one in the game and gods gave him the ability of making +8 items but he is not babashopper neither duper coz he is the chosen one..
    The most important difference between "$ ftw"'s and us is that we are playing game for fun and u are playing gambling and have fun by ruining ppl's fun... to play gambling u need $ ,and when u run out of $ start to scam ppl or steal sumthing in rl, such as old roguenler did to jimxrox...
    Selling an item over $ and buying another over $ is ok,but paying gms and buying godly items,renting gm chars and selling gbs for 0.95$ just lol...
    What ever i have to appreciate coz u succeed what u were doing,ruined the game play and became one of the bests in a short time Gratz agas gratz... :huh:

  9. #39


    Originally posted by HsK
    bug abusing isilon anyway it's my friend
    murdering a child anyway it's my friend
    kidnapping someone anyways it's my friend

    What a retard position
    ROFLLLLLLMAOOOOOO HEY GAYS ITS ONLY A GAME !!!!!!! A FUKN' , ADICTIN' GAME! GET A LIFE n GET A DICTIONARY WHICH THERE S A MEAN ABOUT " FRIEND " OKY? n sorry for caps i cant controll my self about argue with children

  10. #40


    Originally posted by baLao+--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(baLao)</div>
    whats the point...228 strengh?
    MY priest with 48 spear + glas belt he hit for 600-700
    NEVER 228.

    Btw stop fight and goow morning guys. :wub:[/b]

    He sometimes do this shit .. If he wanna run away in ob, he restats like this..
    n lemme explain something to u. U r a 65- PRIEST, he s a 70+ WARRIOR so if he hits u like 600-700s, u r in a lucky day

    gratz nice forum..get a life n learn this game

  11. #41
    imma cut you up Senior Member lIIIIIIIIIIl's Avatar
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    United States of Eurasia


    Originally posted by Wyvern+--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Wyvern)</div>
    bug abusing isilon anyway it's my friend
    murdering a child anyway it's my friend
    kidnapping someone anyways it's my friend

    What a retard position
    ROFLLLLLLMAOOOOOO HEY GAYS ITS ONLY A GAME !!!!!!! A FUKN' , ADICTIN' GAME! GET A LIFE n GET A DICTIONARY WHICH THERE S A MEAN ABOUT " FRIEND " OKY? n sorry for caps i cant controll my self about argue with children[/b]
    its a game but if someone makes 1k usd out of buggin an isiloon n selling it its called a crime. not a game anymore use ur head pls.

  12. #42


    Originally posted by Wyvern+--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Wyvern)</div>
    bug abusing isilon anyway it's my friend
    murdering a child anyway it's my friend
    kidnapping someone anyways it's my friend

    What a retard position
    ROFLLLLLLMAOOOOOO HEY GAYS ITS ONLY A GAME !!!!!!! A FUKN' , ADICTIN' GAME! GET A LIFE n GET A DICTIONARY WHICH THERE S A MEAN ABOUT " FRIEND " OKY? n sorry for caps i cant controll my self about argue with children[/b]
    if you cant control yourself coz of a game get a professional help from a psychiatrist instead of teaching ppl meanings of words.

  13. #43


    Originally posted by SotongPoo+--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(SotongPoo)</div>
    Originally posted by Wyvern@

    bug abusing isilon anyway it's my friend
    murdering a child anyway it's my friend
    kidnapping someone anyways it's my friend

    What a retard position

    ROFLLLLLLMAOOOOOO HEY GAYS ITS ONLY A GAME !!!!!!! A FUKN' , ADICTIN' GAME! GET A LIFE n GET A DICTIONARY WHICH THERE S A MEAN ABOUT " FRIEND " OKY? n sorry for caps i cant controll my self about argue with children
    its a game but if someone makes 1k usd out of buggin an isiloon n selling it its called a crime. not a game anymore use ur head pls.[/b]
    wow u r one of the respectable ppl in this game (so i dont argue with u ) n im usin my head but u have to understand it ; its my friend in RL sorry for all again n again yea he s duper , he s babashopper or bug abuser or;
    Originally posted by HsK+--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(HsK)</div>
    bug abusing isilon anyway it's my friend
    murdering a child anyway it's my friend
    kidnapping someone anyways it's my friend.[/b]
    lmao anyway...

    but still a friend which a good guy n i support him n i ll.. n sorry again

    Originally posted by otto_the_great+--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(otto_the_great)</div>

    bug abusing isilon anyway it's my friend
    murdering a child anyway it's my friend
    kidnapping someone anyways it's my friend

    What a retard position

    ROFLLLLLLMAOOOOOO HEY GAYS ITS ONLY A GAME !!!!!!! A FUKN' , ADICTIN' GAME! GET A LIFE n GET A DICTIONARY WHICH THERE S A MEAN ABOUT " FRIEND " OKY? n sorry for caps i cant controll my self about argue with children
    if you cant control yourself coz of a game get a professional help from a psychiatrist instead of teaching ppl meanings of words. [/b]
    lol children it was my last post of this thread really bored of these n00bs

  14. #44


    If i have friend like, he will not be any longer my friend if he doesn't stop this cheat

    he has no moral, like you though, so that's why you are friends maybe.

  15. #45


    lol Wyvern, u said it was your last post one the first page u retard. And anyone who pays 2k in usd for this game is a retard aswell. Heck u 2 should get married and have retard cheating kids h43r:

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