Many of you know the old school KO forum is Ranking. Hands down. Then, Devile decides to start his own forum. Seeing how not half as many people as he expected came here, he had to take drastic measures! Devile took his little mod status and abused it to the fullest. First he sees that almost everyone despises Turks and decides it would be a brilliant idea to appoint a Turk with Mod status. Now is that just being a fucking retard or a coincidence? As retarded as that fat shit it, i think it was more than a mere coincidence that he appointed a turk a mod on a anti turk forum after he makes his own. After that, Ranking is semi-dead. But that's not enouch for a greedy bitch. So he bans Turkish IP's on here forcing all the Turks to run to ranking, further killing the great forum, good job Devile, you successfully stooped lower than a filthy Turk.