i hope this upcoming patch gets released soon, prices have been skying up a bit and i need to buy some new gear soon...
This is a discussion on Positive Steps for the community! within the General Chat forums, part of the Knight Online (ko4life.com) category; i hope this upcoming patch gets released soon, prices have been skying up a bit and i need to buy ...
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i hope this upcoming patch gets released soon, prices have been skying up a bit and i need to buy some new gear soon...
First off let me start by saying i love this game been playin since 04 and honestly have not seen K2 do much in the way of community service if people here know to move some of the files client side i am sure that K2/mgame knows that y is nothing being done they say that there are more GM's where, I see speed hacker every day i play and y did i not see mass banns at the PVP server there were so many people there that were speed hacking.. as far as crystals and that go easy fix put them into the sundries may not be the best fix but its fixed gold farmers i dont believe they will ever get rid of as long as there are people willing to pay usd to have the best items they will stay the only way i see goldfarmers going away from KO is to make gold worth nothing flood the market with gb's when they are not making any $$ they will leave but then people will charge 10 gb for a MD +1
i am not paying another dime to this game till k2 gets its shit together and fixes this game they will put this 83 patch out and its going to screw the servers up worse then what they are i payed over $50 a month to play this game w/ prem and g1 credits its a fuckin joke man no other game has u pay $35- -or $25 a month but the grind in this game sux they know it and wow 100% xp if u pay us $35 a month i would of rather of payed $49 for the game and a 15$ fee then this shit.. so screw it i am not playing atm.. and like i said untill they fix this hacked up game i am not paying another dime to this company
Peace Out
lvl 75 @ 65%
I must say Linus is the best admin i ever saw before, he is giving so much helpful info.
And till now evrything i readed from him was true.
So why would he lie this time?
I think not all points will be fixed 1,2,3 but i will belive it will happen.
Ps : Dont type that big message's no one is going to read all that text :P
Hello Knights and Knightettes. These are the current known issues for Knight Online, and what's being done in each case.
Drop rate of Crystals, Opals, and Crude Sapphires
This is on track to be fixed as soon as possible. Details on the change will be forthcoming as we get closer to the patch.
Bifrost bug abuse
Certain entrepreneurial individuals are able to bypass all of Bifrost and go straight to killing Ultima. As this is upsetting the markets on many servers, it's something we're taking very seriously. Everyone caught doing this is being banned, but we're also exploring more immediate measures (ROFL).
X-trap trojan false positives
X-trap is being reported as a trojan by some anti-virus programs. (FOR OVER 15 months) This is what's known as a "false positive," because X-trap is not a trojan. Currently the only workaround for affected users is to disable that anti-virus program before running the game. (ROFL) This will hopefully no longer be an issue after the next X-trap update. (YEAH OKAY)
Speedhacking is a symptom of a larger problem, (ROFL) and I'm happy to report that this very problem is being solved by Mgame as we speak. A very comprehensive fix, it has been in the works for some months now and is nearing completion.
Gold farmers
We have a number of new systems being rolled out that should make Knight Online a lot lighter on the gold farming. We can't discuss specifics, (ROFL) but this is something we know about and are constantly looking at ways to eliminate it.
Catapult bug
This is on track to be fixed in the same patch that will do away with speedhacking. (WE BELIEVE YOU!)
Various low-level quest bugs
A number of low-level quests are not working properly. The exact details have been communicated to Mgame and a patch is in the works.
Candy still dropping
White Day candies won't seem to go away. This is a very tenacious bug. It will hopefully be gone after next maintenance.[/b]You guys should wait until they actually do any of it. This is what you call a propaganda."Coming Soon"
"We are working on it"
"No We can't discuss/tell specifics"
"Coming Soon"
To be honest I don't see anything new here? and I won't believe it till I see it...[/b]
my acc got banned for 2 months becouse of a DOL, that i got from a etharot blue chest.......and they said "no one won FT on beramus on a legit way. so its a illegal item"While I agree Linus is a good Liason, One of the best we had for along time now I have to agree with SuperGhost - I've been playing this game for nearly...4 or 5 year's now And I have YET to see a solution solved from k2 that benefited anyone but themselves - Their bug fixes in the past as Included Root kits that spy on you when you are running their game, False banning of accounts, Wiping all items from Forgotten Temple even though alot was gained legitly - and Banning people on their forum when they post about certain things they dont want anyone to find out about.
All the while, k2 had gotten away for the last 4-5 years that they DON'T have enough gm's, When I see peoples accounts sometimes I can see people spending 1-3k in cash just on Prem / KC Not to mention the fucking items they bought from other people.[/b]
lol, yea Beramus won i believe 3 at the time or perhaps 4-5 I dunno but it was very few, becuz it was only up to 70? I think no idea.my acc got banned for 2 months becouse of a DOL, that i got from a etharot blue chest.......and they said "no one won FT on beramus on a legit way. so its a illegal item"[/b]
how is that 'a propaganda'You guys should wait until they actually do any of it. This is what you call a propaganda.[/b]
so when's the patch, ';x"Coming Soon"
"We are working on it"
"No We can't discuss/tell specifics"
"Coming Soon"
To be honest I don't see anything new here? and I won't believe it till I see it...
It's better be hack of a patch not just usual 2-3 kb patch...[/b]
It was todayso when's the patch, ';x[/b]
Coming soon like the Select Character Option on the Exit menu, and Character Deletion :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:so when's the patch, ';x[/b]
Well to understand what a propaganda is one must know what it means. To quote dictionary.com, a propaganda is a "information, ideas, or rumors deliberately spread widely to help or harm a person, group, movement, institution, nation, etc." A propaganda is also "the activity of spreading particular ideas, opinions etc according to an organized plan." Usually, if a person is deliberately spreading an idea, he or she has a motive or an agenda. Now, lets apply this to your question. Why is this a propaganda? This is a propaganda because K2 has been deliberately spreading these promises. Yet, based on past experiences, K2 has not come through on most of their promises. One such promise was mentioned by VictoryAkara is Character Selection. Would like to know what sodomy means now?how is that 'a propaganda'[/b]
Coming soon like the Select Character Option on the Exit menu, and Character Deletion :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:[/b]
Wow they were talking about that when i was in middle school. xD
xtrap trojan false positives is actually FALSEX-trap trojan false positives
X-trap is being reported as a trojan by some anti-virus programs. This is what's known as a "false positive," because X-trap is not a trojan. This will hopefully no longer be an issue after the next X-trap update.[/b]
i should make a topic on official see how long it last
lol it reminds me, "New skills and areas for premium users coming soon""Coming Soon"
"We are working on it"
"No We can't discuss/tell specifics"
"Coming Soon"[/b]
This statement has been there for 3 years at least lol
I like linus. He actually speaks to us and re assures the ko community.
At least they know about these problems, and if they really do fix these problems ko will be a whole better game ^^