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Who thinks new patch will revolutionize PK in usko?

This is a discussion on Who thinks new patch will revolutionize PK in usko? within the General Chat forums, part of the Knight Online ( category; Seems to me that this post comes from a person that cant handle challanges in cz and needs some free ...
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  1. #46


    Seems to me that this post comes from a person that cant handle challanges in cz and needs some free nps.Theres absolutely nothing good that can come out of forcing noobs to come to big cz , and only the ones that cant do shit matching their own lvls will benefit from it.

  2. #47


    I am excited about this patch. It will make CZ different for sure.

    However I am pretty sure there will be bugs in the 2nd coming of this patch.

  3. #48
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    Near table


    I disagree. Since these dooms don't spawn like regular cz bowl mobs.

    In older servers the lvl 50-70 players will most likely go to the bowl to get their own gems, instead of paying for them.

    The influx of lower lvls venturing into the bowl will give the higher level players more opportunities to gain NP. It will also give the lower levels a chance to gather in larger numbers to oppose the higher lvls.

    In C-west we had a group of 40-65 in bowl and the high lvl humans kept attacking and we managed to hold our position.

    Very exciting and fun time.[/b]


  4. #49
    imma cut you up Senior Member lIIIIIIIIIIl's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2006
    United States of Eurasia


    Care to explain why you think so?
    I beg to agrue against you, and I will cite valid reasons.
    #1. What is the point of a masters quest if you can just buy everything you need. Did you infact become a skilled master? NO, you just bought stuff

    #2. Persons who attain their masters would have to partner with others who are higher in lvl, or equal to their lvl and work as a group to get the gems they need. This will increase cooperativeness between clan members and members of the orc/human nation.

    #3. This will increase amount of people in CZ bowl to allow for exciting PK. (If you can just buy gems, eventually these doom spawns will be empty... and gem prices are going to be cheaper than the NPC value LOL)

    #4. Higher lvl players would love having a constant supply of noobs at the doom soldier spawns. This will force the lower lvl players to go in solid party's of 8 and attempt to take control of a spawn. It will also force the lower lvls to get into parties with 70+ players.

    I can go on and on. I see a lot more benefit to make gems non-tradeable than to continue to allow people to just buy their masters[/b]
    #1 u sir r a clown. does farming make u a SKILLED MASTER? no. does playing this game even make u skilled? LAWL. i mean nice lack of logic there.

    #2 what about those who solo? i own better solo, groups slow me down. ... pff. and hitting orcs would be like such a hassle for me.

    #3 so? whats so fun about farming gems? once gems r good again they can drop other shit. but thats in the future so enjoy what u got.

    #4 im not even gona read cause the sentence is too long lawl.

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