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FromTheDarkness scammer

This is a discussion on FromTheDarkness scammer within the Trading disputes & reports forums, part of the Knight Online ( category; Originally Posted by FromTheDarkness 1. you said you would refund, i said i would give you the account back, you ...
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  1. #31
    Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by FromTheDarkness View Post
    1. you said you would refund, i said i would give you the account back, you said you where not bothered, and i never heard from you again... i dunno why your trying to make me out to be a bad guy, did you even pm me?

    2 items your making a big deal about are full old, +6 set krowaz, and a rappy +8, hardly the big swindle of the year!!

    3 did you or did you not, sell the account advertising "full info" ?

    now if i was u i would have refunded and pmed the buyer (me) and made sure i got the account back....
    instead you wait 2 weeks and post here, after you did say "im not bothered"
    k... I've had enough of your bullshit. I never... never told you "im not bothered".

    Here it is officially.... GIVE ME MY ITEMS AND ACCOUNT BACK.

    Clear enough?

  2. #32
    Senior Member JoLLyGreenGiant's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by keys View Post
    this post ADMITS he hasn't given the account back after he chargebacked the money and hence he should be banned
    +1 yup he just keeps digging and digging..........goodluck coming out of this one.

  3. #33
    Senior Member hellzbellz19's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JoLLyGreenGiant View Post
    +1 yup he just keeps digging and digging..........goodluck coming out of this one.
    Lol you're a dumb snitch all you ever do is try to dig the guy down on every shot you have to do it. You say you've been scammed by the guy, we have yet to see proofs? Usually it's the one that gets scammed that brings in the evidences. You're nothing but a butthurt kid who couldn't take a -70$ hit to his bank account for a game, but needed the in game money, so you probably had the smart idea to make a scammer topic, have your little buddies support you with their "HE'S trusty!", and chargeback smoothly thinking you could get away with it... But you did, that's the funniest part. Please, just shut your mouth, you're embarassing yourself every time you open it.

    On topic : FromTheDarkness, you're ridiculous. You contradict yourself by saying first that you've been refunded, and then say you still have the account, at least from what I understand from your non-sense. Just give back the shit, a rappy+8 is expensive and a good item for the server.
    PS : I still haven't seen any picture from any of the paypal accounts... Those are parts of evidence, no? Since one has admitted to refunding the other one while the other is denying it....

    Good luck sorting this out, and may scammers die in agony in a triple car accident.

  4. #34
    Senior Member JoLLyGreenGiant's Avatar
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    hellz honestly idk who you are and everytime you post its a flame about me you really think i care? keep trying to act smart on a KO forum eventhough in real life your probably some low life who feels sorry for himself if you have nothing good to say dont even post in the section why would any of us care for your 2 cents in a subject that doesn't concern you? lol. i just like how a guy can get away from it so long. (fromthedarkness) so please hellz go crawl in the little dark hole you came from.

    way off topic won't respond to it again.

    and p.s 70 bucks is alot to me got a problem???? thought so.

  5. #35
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    Hellz, I truly love your flames. I'm not being sarcastic.

    Anyway, I too have done a backcharge on purchasing an account (long time ago) from someone who has not given me any of the correct information - while claiming to have it all, all the ESN codes, and claiming to be the sole owner (he was not). I felt justified in the backcharge AND kept the account. So, I can understand FromTheDarkness's response in backcharging this time. If the account was advertised falsely, who's fault is it really? At Walmart if you find an item priced wrongly for $10, and it's worth $100 - you get it for $10 and the money is taken out of the price-tagger's paycheck.

    But, FromTheDarkness claims he has PM'ed boobies plenty of times - I suggest an admin log into his account and check his inbox, because this is probably his best chance. If FromTheDarkness claims to have deleted the PM's, an admin should check Boobie's PM's. If no PM's were recieved from FromTheDarkness - I will personally create a "na-na-na-na, hey hey hey, good-fucking-bye" thread dedicated to him.

  6. #36
    Senior Member hellzbellz19's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JoLLyGreenGiant View Post
    hellz honestly idk who you are and everytime you post its a flame about me you really think i care? keep trying to act smart on a KO forum eventhough in real life your probably some low life who feels sorry for himself if you have nothing good to say dont even post in the section why would any of us care for your 2 cents in a subject that doesn't concern you? lol. i just like how a guy can get away from it so long. (fromthedarkness) so please hellz go crawl in the little dark hole you came from.

    way off topic won't respond to it again.

    and p.s 70 bucks is alot to me got a problem???? thought so.
    Listen, there's a reason as to why I say all this. First, I don't post everytime to flame you. I came to this topic because I thought it'd be interesting to read another story where FromTheDarkness is accused of scamming. As I read through the pages I'm starting to conceive my own opinions about the whole topic, and then I see guys LIKE YOU who come in to post some dumb stuff about the guy they have something against. There's also a reason for Boobies to post here. He wants the neutral opinion from other users on the forums, as well as previous experiences the other users had with the guy he traded with. Now if you would have said "I had some troubles with the guy" , I wouldn't mind. But you come in and call him a scammer when nothing at all has been proved from you. Moderators don't really need subjective point of views like yours.
    I come in to give my passive opinion over things, and give another turn to mod's chain of thoughts. This way, if I feel there's a part of the problem that hasn't been exposed enough, I say it out loud so that the situation clears itself.

    Second, you remind me of the skinny little boy that always picks on other people that could destroy him, but that always hide behind his "so called reputation" or behind his friends. This is why I think you are annoying. And why I think your word is useless.

    Third and last. I actually do have a life, I go to college and THEN I could just go on if I wanted but you probably don't give a shit, as much as I wouldn't if you'd start telling me your life. 70$ is also a reasonnable sum of money to me, but if I wanted to invest it in something I feel I've thought about of enough, I won't go and try to get back my money as soon as it's spent. All I do are assumptions by the way, I don't know if you did or didn't get your gold bars, but to me it looks like you're trying to sneak up to something fishy.

    These are not flames, they're well thought reasonnings that, I hope, could help moderators. If not the case then I apologize... I'll only be following this with eyes and won't speak my mind anymore unless I feel the need. Peace.

  7. #37
    Senior Member JoLLyGreenGiant's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hellzbellz19 View Post
    Listen, there's a reason as to why I say all this. First, I don't post everytime to flame you. I came to this topic because I thought it'd be interesting to read another story where FromTheDarkness is accused of scamming. As I read through the pages I'm starting to conceive my own opinions about the whole topic, and then I see guys LIKE YOU who come in to post some dumb stuff about the guy they have something against. There's also a reason for Boobies to post here. He wants the neutral opinion from other users on the forums, as well as previous experiences the other users had with the guy he traded with. Now if you would have said "I had some troubles with the guy" , I wouldn't mind. But you come in and call him a scammer when nothing at all has been proved from you. Moderators don't really need subjective point of views like yours.
    I come in to give my passive opinion over things, and give another turn to mod's chain of thoughts. This way, if I feel there's a part of the problem that hasn't been exposed enough, I say it out loud so that the situation clears itself.

    Second, you remind me of the skinny little boy that always picks on other people that could destroy him, but that always hide behind his "so called reputation" or behind his friends. This is why I think you are annoying. And why I think your word is useless.

    Third and last. I actually do have a life, I go to college and THEN I could just go on if I wanted but you probably don't give a shit, as much as I wouldn't if you'd start telling me your life. 70$ is also a reasonnable sum of money to me, but if I wanted to invest it in something I feel I've thought about of enough, I won't go and try to get back my money as soon as it's spent. All I do are assumptions by the way, I don't know if you did or didn't get your gold bars, but to me it looks like you're trying to sneak up to something fishy.

    These are not flames, they're well thought reasonnings that, I hope, could help moderators. If not the case then I apologize... I'll only be following this with eyes and won't speak my mind anymore unless I feel the need. Peace.

    i guess your right.

    OFF TOPIC :but i didn't get gbs. after almost like 2 years of trading this was my first scam so that's why i was obnoxious and didnt know what to do but post everywhere that he scammed me. i never had to save msn logs until now, and now i know what to do when if/when it happens again. and another thought i've done deals over 200 dollars? why would i be all frantic over 70 dollars if it didn't happen. yes i go to college too and i have time to go on forums. so i guess this clears everything

    and nah im 280 6 4" ill give you my face book if you pm me lol

    ON TOPIC : honestly he logs off when boobies wants his stuff back krowaz set 6/ rappy 8/ olds accumulate to what like 180 bucks? if that? i would want it too but yes as everyone says we need evidence but what happened to just trusting someone? i dont get it....

  8. #38
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    There's no way you're 19, 6' 4'' and 280lbs.

    Although you are from California.... and they seem to sprout giants.....

    and your name contains "giant" ..... and you're jolly.....

    gimme your facebook lmao i wanna see

  9. #39
    Senior Member tommmay's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by THUNDERGAWD View Post
    There's no way you're 19, 6' 4'' and 280lbs.

    Although you are from California.... and they seem to sprout giants.....

    and your name contains "giant" ..... and you're jolly.....

    gimme your facebook lmao i wanna see

    this is bob

    [ame=]YouTube - The Largest Auto I Could Afford[/ame]

  10. #40
    Jak's RL bro Senior Member keys's Avatar
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    will this guy get banned? this is no fucking federal crime where you get taken to court and shit, this is ko4life, ban the scammer to keep people safe...

    honestly, if you don't this post will be quoted in the topic where the next guy gets scammed by fromthedarkness.

  11. #41
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    wtf... why is my thread getting hijacked. Unless it has something to do with this case then bugger off.

    will this guy get banned? this is no fucking federal crime where you get taken to court and shit, this is ko4life, ban the scammer to keep people safe...

    honestly, if you don't this post will be quoted in the topic where the next guy gets scammed by fromthedarkness.
    Yeah, but I'd like to get a response from him first. So far he is beating around the bush... my bet is he already sold off the account and items.

  12. #42
    Just do it Senior Member thing's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FromTheDarkness View Post
    2 items your making a big deal about are full old, +6 set krowaz, and a rappy +8, hardly the big swindle of the year!!
    Am I not reading this correctly or is he admitting to swindling $200+

    @Bob, It's pinned for a reason
    How to avoid being scammed

  13. #43
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    Quote Originally Posted by THUNDERGAWD View Post
    There's no way you're 19, 6' 4'' and 280lbs.

    Although you are from California.... and they seem to sprout giants.....

    and your name contains "giant" ..... and you're jolly.....

    gimme your facebook lmao i wanna see
    Ate my own words. He really is a giant.

    @Thing, looks like he admitted it.... definately would be used against him in court xD

  14. #44
    Senior Member Stifa's Avatar
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    edit nvm my fault it wasnt him

  15. #45
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    Please post some proof of him doing a chargeback.... 3 claims he's a scammer, no proof still. Regardless of the victims reputation, you still need proof on these forums.

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