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Biggest Army

This is a discussion on Biggest Army within the Off Topic forums, part of the Entertainment category; lol @ iran's paramilitary...
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  1. #91
    Senior Member SlmShady's Avatar
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    Mar 2006


    lol @ iran's paramilitary

  2. #92
    Join Date
    Sep 2007


    Bold: I'm talking about 2 terms, not 1. At the beginning and BEFORE war started, it was all good but the surplus that Clinton left of the economy was dropping slightly (no big deal you know). After we got attack they decided to invaded Afghanistan (no big deal-Eye for an Eye). Then we went to Iraq (which was a major mistake). The economy was very low.... a need WAS necessary to change president, congress and senate. And what did Americans do? they could not see what was happening and they keep repeating history (Vietnam) by electing the same dumb asses that run this country. When a change is kind of obvious they can't see it lol

    Italic:huh? :huh: are you sure you used your quote correctly because that does not match what you are saying earlier. Or it is just me break it down please and tell me the meaning of that quote and what you are trying to express with it.[/b]
    You are a fucking idiot. Seriously, do you know anything about US government? How old are you 10 - 12? Stick to pokemon and yugioh cards. You can't just magically "change" the congress, senate, president. Vietnam was different than the war in Iraq. But since you are a foreign retard (I am assuming because of your broken down english), you probably read somewhere in a foreign propagandistic newspaper that "the war in Iraq is like Vietnam." Let me educate you before you make yourself look more retarded; the war in Iraq is not like the war in Vietnam. First of, in the war in Iraq, people who don't want to participate in the war are not being drafted - meaning they don't have to enlist in the army, if they don't want to. Secondly, the war in Vietnam was different in the sense that we didn't know who the enemy was. The enemy would seldom hide among villagers and attack from the back. In iraq, we know who the enemy is - THE ARABS. We shoot them when we see them. We even shoot at ARAB children, because even those retarded fuckers would strap a bomb and come at you. Seriously, the ARABS are like animals to have their own children die like that. Don't worry, that is why the Americans are there in the Middle East. We will liberate you people from the sensless regime of idiocy.

    Furthermore, Bush did what the people wanted. When he was elected for president, the circumstances were different. He had a popularity rating of 70 %. Mind you, this was right after we captured Sadam. Therefore, people who wanted results in the war in Iraq, got results when Sadam was executed. People started disliking Bush (after he was elected for a second term) when he continued to make the troops stay in Iraq.

  3. #93
    Senior Member
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    Sep 2007


    Americas army is the best. If we actually use our mights we will be the only ones in the world alive while everyone else doesn't even realize they died...[/b]

    americas army is by far the best equipped but...

    via the korean and vietnam wars...two wars that were indirectly fought between china, the ussr and the us. the us learned that technology alone cannot dominate and that a direct conflict with any formidable power would result in huge casualties, on both sides.

    this is the reason why the us would never ever invade north korea, even though they are a clear threat, they have the worlds 4th largest standing army and their forces are much better geared and trained than iraq ever was...

    also, north korea isnt sitting on top of the large oil fields iraq happens to be sitting on. so giving them aid to shut them up is the best solution.


    also, the us would never want to "kill" everyone...itll put us at a HUGE financial disadvantage and many people in the us would starve because of job loss, and the population would eventually atrophy into a more sustainable local number. we have nearly 300 million people in our country and its not a self sustaining population, economic trade is necessary to maintain this number.

  4. #94
    Senior Member
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    Sep 2007


    You are a fucking idiot. Seriously, do you know anything about US government? How old are you 10 - 12? Stick to pokemon and yugioh cards. You can't just magically "change" the congress, senate, president. Vietnam was different than the war in Iraq. But since you are a foreign retard (I am assuming because of your broken down english), you probably read somewhere in a foreign propagandistic newspaper that "the war in Iraq is like Vietnam." Let me educate you before you make yourself look more retarded; the war in Iraq is not like the war in Vietnam. First of, in the war in Iraq, people who don't want to participate in the war are not being drafted - meaning they don't have to enlist in the army, if they don't want to. Secondly, the war in Vietnam was different in the sense that we didn't know who the enemy was. The enemy would seldom hide among villagers and attack from the back. In iraq, we know who the enemy is - THE ARABS. We shoot them when we see them. We even shoot at ARAB children, because even those retarded fuckers would strap a bomb and come at you. Seriously, the ARABS are like animals to have their own children die like that. Don't worry, that is why the Americans are there in the Middle East. We will liberate you people from the sensless regime of idiocy.

    Furthermore, Bush did what the people wanted. When he was elected for president, the circumstances were different. He had a popularity rating of 70 %. Mind you, this was right after we captured Sadam. Therefore, people who wanted results in the war in Iraq, got results when Sadam was executed. People started disliking Bush (after he was elected for a second term) when he continued to make the troops stay in Iraq.[/b]

    i think if arabs occupied the us and forced their brand of "freedom" down your throat, you would be one of the first ones to do what it takes to send a message.
    they have a right to defend their sovereignty and so do you.

  5. #95


    American still has the most powerful military

  6. #96


    94k soldiers not bad for a country that gets deserted by its people fed up with the miserable life living here...
    As for pro and anti americans,who cares?!I highly doubt farmer Joe is interested if some mindless child from a place he doesn't even know on which planet is decides to bomb some marines that he doesn't even know what a marine means.Well,farmer Joe example doesn't fit very well the USA glove,but for other countries the concept fits the glove better.
    As far as I know,DEFCON 1 has pretty high requirments which won't happen very soon,so nuking is out of the discussion.
    The Iraq issue,I'm pretty much fed up and uninterested of it,fact is simple - they forcely ended comunism in Iraq and sunk the country in ruin - noone can change this,what is done is done,can't be repaired as well,so how many "n" days you may talk about this issue,nothing shall be solved.

    Countries without an army?That's pretty akward

  7. #97
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    belgium (not far from simon o.O)


    You are a fucking idiot. Seriously, do you know anything about US government? How old are you 10 - 12? Stick to pokemon and yugioh cards. You can't just magically "change" the congress, senate, president. Vietnam was different than the war in Iraq. But since you are a foreign retard (I am assuming because of your broken down english), you probably read somewhere in a foreign propagandistic newspaper that "the war in Iraq is like Vietnam." Let me educate you before you make yourself look more retarded; the war in Iraq is not like the war in Vietnam. First of, in the war in Iraq, people who don't want to participate in the war are not being drafted - meaning they don't have to enlist in the army, if they don't want to. Secondly, the war in Vietnam was different in the sense that we didn't know who the enemy was. The enemy would seldom hide among villagers and attack from the back. In iraq, we know who the enemy is - THE ARABS. We shoot them when we see them. We even shoot at ARAB children, because even those retarded fuckers would strap a bomb and come at you. Seriously, the ARABS are like animals to have their own children die like that. Don't worry, that is why the Americans are there in the Middle East. We will liberate you people from the sensless regime of idiocy.

    Furthermore, Bush did what the people wanted. When he was elected for president, the circumstances were different. He had a popularity rating of 70 %. Mind you, this was right after we captured Sadam. Therefore, people who wanted results in the war in Iraq, got results when Sadam was executed. People started disliking Bush (after he was elected for a second term) when he continued to make the troops stay in Iraq.[/b]
    So are you suggesting America should commit a genocide by 'liberating' the world from the arabs? Sure i can understand soldiers would shoot at arab children because it is indeed an eye for an eye out there. However by attacking Iraq the USA got itself into a heap of troubles. The more Arabs you shoot down the more normal Arabs who normally wouldn't do a thing will bitter and think: Well, they killed my son, my cousin, my wife ... Why shouldn't i take revenge? The more you shoot the more people will turn to extreme measures and the more terrorists you'll have fighting you because they don't have anything left to live for.

    Still to be honest it sickens me you compare Arabs to animals ( Agreed that its stupid to use their children for that, they should know better, but some people are that desperate. Suppose somebody shot your mom, dad, cousin, loved one. Wouldn't you try to avenge them by attacking the people who killed them? I'm 99.99% sure you would! )

    I don't think there is a solution for this conflict though, it will drag on and drag on and eventually the Us will have to withdraw, leaving more enemies behind than they started out with, combined with a lot more hatred for the USA, symbol for the rich, wealthy lifestile.

    And yes im foreign, from belgium. My english isn't that broken. ( On a side note americans don't speak english, they speak American English, not British English )

  8. #98
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2007


    94k soldiers not bad for a country that gets deserted by its people fed up with the miserable life living here...
    As for pro and anti americans,who cares?!I highly doubt farmer Joe is interested if some mindless child from a place he doesn't even know on which planet is decides to bomb some marines that he doesn't even know what a marine means.Well,farmer Joe example doesn't fit very well the USA glove,but for other countries the concept fits the glove better.
    As far as I know,DEFCON 1 has pretty high requirments which won't happen very soon,so nuking is out of the discussion.
    The Iraq issue,I'm pretty much fed up and uninterested of it,fact is simple - they forcely ended comunism in Iraq and sunk the country in ruin - noone can change this,what is done is done,can't be repaired as well,so how many "n" days you may talk about this issue,nothing shall be solved.

    Countries without an army?That's pretty akward [/b]
    the war didnt just "happen".

    it was actually designed by VERY intelligent people. it was designed to create confusion amongst the public so that no strong opinions could be really made against it.
    bush had actually came out and said "oops, we were fed misinformation". and honestly, if we make a "mistake" what are we really to do?

    this was a well planned out and choreographed attack and media blitz. there were no mistakes that just "happened", if our government was that stupid, we would all be dead.


  9. #99


    You are a fucking idiot. Seriously, do you know anything about US government? How old are you 10 - 12? Stick to pokemon and yugioh cards. You can't just magically "change" the congress, senate, president. Vietnam was different than the war in Iraq. But since you are a foreign retard (I am assuming because of your broken down english), you probably read somewhere in a foreign propagandistic newspaper that "the war in Iraq is like Vietnam." Let me educate you before you make yourself look more retarded; the war in Iraq is not like the war in Vietnam. First of, in the war in Iraq, people who don't want to participate in the war are not being drafted - meaning they don't have to enlist in the army, if they don't want to. Secondly, the war in Vietnam was different in the sense that we didn't know who the enemy was. The enemy would seldom hide among villagers and attack from the back. In iraq, we know who the enemy is - THE ARABS. We shoot them when we see them. We even shoot at ARAB children, because even those retarded fuckers would strap a bomb and come at you. Seriously, the ARABS are like animals to have their own children die like that. Don't worry, that is why the Americans are there in the Middle East. We will liberate you people from the sensless regime of idiocy.

    Furthermore, Bush did what the people wanted. When he was elected for president, the circumstances were different. He had a popularity rating of 70 %. Mind you, this was right after we captured Sadam. Therefore, people who wanted results in the war in Iraq, got results when Sadam was executed. People started disliking Bush (after he was elected for a second term) when he continued to make the troops stay in Iraq.[/b]
    Good point.... and yes I'm foreign lol
    Let point out the things you said:

    Where did I ever said we could change magically the congress? lol
    Congress, Senate, President is decided by the American people every few years for each term.

    War in Vietnam and Iraq: What do you expect? lol So you are saying to compare two things they must be exactly the same?

    Then you say "we know who the enemy is...ARABS..."
    Since you know who the Arabs are right? And they are the enemy right? All of them right (according to your quotes)
    A member of a Semitic people inhabiting Arabia, whose language and Islamic religion spread widely throughout the Middle East and northern Africa from the seventh century.
    If you are saying that that means all Middle East and northern Africa are the enemy right? lol
    Why don't we just nuke them all for that matter right? Do you realize what you are saying?

    and finally -_-

    "We will liberate you people from the sensless regime of idiocy."
    If you are talking about regime then....
    Why did we not do this with Cuba? (Kennedy was president)
    How about Venezuela?
    How about China?
    And last but not least.... North Korea?
    That right, they will get fuck in the ass if they do
    especially with Korea and China
    (And lets not talk about some African country for that matter )
    huh? you tell me that please

    The American Government is not stupid at all lol they know what they are doing and they do it for a reason and sadly in this case they do it for the money.

    And please don't talk about going to Iraq if we were there saviors. They have been rule by monarchy all their lives and you think they will wake up one morning with democracy? lol

    They hated democracy in the past and they will hate it in the future.

    And I thank you for trying to improved my language

  10. #100
    Join Date
    Sep 2007


    So are you suggesting America should commit a genocide by 'liberating' the world from the arabs? Sure i can understand soldiers would shoot at arab children because it is indeed an eye for an eye out there. However by attacking Iraq the USA got itself into a heap of troubles. The more Arabs you shoot down the more normal Arabs who normally wouldn't do a thing will bitter and think: Well, they killed my son, my cousin, my wife ... Why shouldn't i take revenge? The more you shoot the more people will turn to extreme measures and the more terrorists you'll have fighting you because they don't have anything left to live for.

    Still to be honest it sickens me you compare Arabs to animals ( Agreed that its stupid to use their children for that, they should know better, but some people are that desperate. Suppose somebody shot your mom, dad, cousin, loved one. Wouldn't you try to avenge them by attacking the people who killed them? I'm 99.99% sure you would! )

    I don't think there is a solution for this conflict though, it will drag on and drag on and eventually the Us will have to withdraw, leaving more enemies behind than they started out with, combined with a lot more hatred for the USA, symbol for the rich, wealthy lifestile.
    And yes im foreign, from belgium. My english isn't that broken. ( On a side note americans don't speak english, they speak American English, not British English )[/b]
    Yes I am suggesting that America should nuke the Middle East and kill all the ARABS. Since it probably wont happen, I say shoot as many ARABS as you can. If they keep shooting ARABS in the middle east, the ARABS will be preoccupied with blowing themselves up in the middle east, and we wont repeat another September 11, 2001.

    If there aren't any ARABS left, we wont have to worry about enemies. You know what i mean?

    I would be more sensitive to the matter, if it wasn't for the fact that thousands of innocent American lives have already been taken by terrorist attacks. Why should I care about innocent ARAB lives? Blow them up!

    America has Nuclear bombs. ARABS have Goats.

  11. #101


    Still to be honest it sickens me you compare Arabs to animals ( Agreed that its stupid to use their children for that, they should know better, but some people are that desperate. Suppose somebody shot your mom, dad, cousin, loved one. Wouldn't you try to avenge them by attacking the people who killed them? I'm 99.99% sure you would! )[/b]
    I have enough sense to know that if my mom, dad, cousin, and/or loved one was shot because they were on a killing spree, then I would not want revenge. In the case in Iraq, the dads, moms, cousins, and/or loved ones ARE blowing up themselves in order to kill soldiers.

    and to all of you saying we should nuke the middle east -- it would cause a nuclear fallout that would be carried by the upper winds in a large radius around the world. Basically once nuclear war starts, you get at first a nuclear winter and if enough are detonated at one time you blow up the planet. Cheers everyone's dead. Even if the earth doesn't explode by that time, everyone will be dead from the nuclear fallout. Either way, nukes end the world.

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