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Turks have more pride than those in the U.S?

This is a discussion on Turks have more pride than those in the U.S? within the Off Topic forums, part of the Entertainment category; shinigami is my clans name in sword of the new world ;S[/b] wow... scammer using a GG KO clan's name ...
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  1. #46
    MSZ - 006 Senior Member akutee's Avatar
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    shinigami is my clans name in sword of the new world ;S[/b]
    wow... scammer using a GG KO clan's name ... sad

  2. #47
    Senior Member
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    there is like 4-5 english peaking clans per server

    what will be the odds that they're all amricans?

  3. #48
    Senior Member igothacked's Avatar
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    say what u want, but w/o turks KO will die... need egzample ? try to find exp party when all truks DC... or go CZ = 5 ppl... go Jurad event = mostly party = 7 turks and me, im rarely in party with other non-turk...[/b]
    wrong... if there were no turks all the ppl pwho left would play still... so many ppl left coz of turks... so many ppl didnt even start coz of turks... like my friend asked me if its good to play this game... i said him :"no coz there are so many turks and u cant even speak english...
    so without turks from beginin it would be nice... baning em now wouldnt be good just coz of so many servers

  4. #49


    Do they? I don't see many Flags of the U.S. in-game h34r:

    I think using a video game to represent your country is embarrassing. Let the turks do it. Only showing how far along they are on the evolutionary chart.

  5. #50


    I think using a video game to represent your country is embarrassing. Let the turks do it. Only showing how far along they are on the evolutionary chart.[/b]
    durka durka durka for prezz down with bush!!

  6. #51


    its a pretty simple reason lol, 90% of Americans are up their own asses and believe they are top without a doubt, and think they dont need to show there country's flag, because they think that people know there top, when all they doing is becoming stuck up there own asses again

  7. #52


    Turks have more nationalist pride than US in KO. Why?.......WHO CARES? It's only a game geez.... :wacko:

  8. #53
    Join Date
    Sep 2007


    I am not Turkish.

    You know...we are all from the same race...the human race.

    Many of you have no idea of the history of Turkey and why they are what they are. If you do some research they are a fascinating and beautiful culture and have overcome things that Americans cannot comprehend. I am not justifying the awful behavior that most Turks seem to have on this game, but I must say that most of the young people in this country have over time become extremely disrespectful and rude and disgusting. And with our education and level of opportunity there is NO excuse!!

    Is it possible that many of the players on this game are Turkish young men going through puberty... just like our teens? I am sorry but my nephiew is just as bad as any of these Turkish players that annoy us to no end.

    We as a people as Americans are no different really. We have idiots among us. But this does not mean that the entire culture is corrupt.

    Turks have an extremely hard life. Not everyone gets to have an education and most kids even at the age of 10 have full time jobs. You have no idea the struggles they have because we live with freedoms they have never known. We have a tremendous amount of wealth in this country and even though our government sucks it is a hell of a lot better than theirs.

    Just think about it for a minute.

    Again, not justifying anyones bad behavior. But to bash all Turks because of the idiots on this game is highly unfair to them as a people.

    There are just as many good Turks as bad just like we have here.

    OK speach over. Sorry so pointed. If we want more respect then we should lead by example and promote peace at all cost but at the same time we do not have to tolerate abuse by some of these players.

    Turks are racist towards the Kurds and they want to destroy the Kurdish culture by depriving them of land and basic civil rights of "the human race"

    I don't think they have a "beautiful culture".

  9. #54


    I will be running for president in 20 years VOTE FOR ME PWEZ

  10. #55


    Well u are right but most of the turks in game does this things to us.. i dont understand how are we unfair to them :huh:
    They Lure on us
    Attempts to scam us
    Begs for money and uses Allah as a reason
    Ks you cause u kicked them for ur clannie Even if u say sorry
    Disbands party to steal drops
    Promises you that he will share boss drop and logs off when he gets it
    Insults ur mother and family members
    Spread Rumours about you just cause u kicked him from party for afking
    And this bullcrap..a turk tells me he uses R and no skill at all and he tells me its a combo.. just Z+ring.. i kicked him he got mad and ksed my party...
    This is what u call Beautiful Culture? :huh:

    But those who are nice turks i respect them [/b]
    NO I don't call the idiots on this game a beautiful culture. I don't know why many on this game behave this way. I don't condone their swearing cheating and sex addictions. But I have been to Turkey and studied the culture and religion and I have so say there is much I admire and deeply respect. I have been treated very unfair and cheated and harrassed as well on this game. But my meaning is only that there seems to be a group of them that spoil their entire culture and religion by their behavior on this game. And those of us Americans that do the same are earning us the same reputation.

    Also, I think the flags on the game are their clan symbols of those clans that are in the "top" whatever. But I think no nations flag should be allowed to be part of this game. It is supposed to be fun and include everyone... Anyone know more about the flag situation??

  11. #56
    Senior Member
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    turks even own this forum -.-

    go search after TURK in ko4life...

    u allways talk about how much you hate them and what kind of cheaters they are, without to thinking any second for what you are in this forum/that game: to have fun.

  12. #57
    Senior Member Xero's Avatar
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    Jul 2007


    are you kidding? its easilly been TRko ever sence KE.[/b]
    Not true..There were more English people than Turks.

  13. #58
    Senior Member Private's Avatar
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    Mar 2006

    Default shows 3 m in eu area and 2 m in us im sure its bs numbers but im willing to be the ration is correct so stfu

    and we have dogma pride in our clan

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