Hello everyone. First and foremost this is a topic regarding suggestions for our early development of the server. We are slowly bringing back our server over time. We would love to hear everyones suggestions on what they would like added or changed to the server.
Anyway, yes the server is ChillKO. I know some of you are probably going to be like 'haha, not this again.' But yes, ChillKO again. Let me tell you why we decided to work on this shit hard once more. We got to watching youtube videos of one of the first times launching the server. We had a lot of bugs and stuff was kind of unbalanced, we still managed to reach a peak of 120+ online most of the time. Back then, considering how our server was set up that is not bad at all lol.
I realize this server has came up and down 3-4 times already and we honestly do apologize for that shit. I will tell you right here 'why' it has failed those times and we assure you it is not going to happen again.
- Our Admin teams over the past 3-4 ChillKO's have not been.... how do I want to put this... 'decent' enough for our standards therefore causing the server to fuck up basically. This time, we have changed our admin team. Yes, its taken us 3 to 4 releases to realize this but we've finally decided to change the admin team.
- 80 Cap servers are out. Honestly, you can check most 80 cap servers and see that they're all dieing except for a few. Even SexyKO is dieing sadly enough to say. I played for 3-4 years on that server. Anyway, considering that 80 cap is dead, we are going to be 70 cap this time. Instant 70 btw, we know everyone hates XP so we won't make people XP. That is another thing that hurt us last launch, we screwed up and made XP too hard. We did however fix that but it was too late when everyone had left.
- We didn't have enough events. We have fixed this now, we're currently working on our own custom events to give the server a twist. We have also FIXED FT. I will even provide videos to prove that it is working 100%. One of our admins constantly went through all the tables and changed stuff. We plan on doing some fun things with FT as well to give it a spice.
- People hated all the items. (Fallen, Mystic, Undef.) We have wiped all those items considering we're going to 70 cap. Our max armor will be supershell and its only 10 AC higher than shells. We will not have ANYTHING OP AT ALL. Our max weapons for now will be bi-frost and possibly release Juraid items down the road. I really do believe that the items payed a big part in our server not being as popular.
- Our server was +10/+1 before, that honestly didn't work out that good as we thought it would of. We are now going +8/+1 which is honestly the most balanced setup you will find. +8/+0 is ok as well I guess.
- Our classes were not as balanced as we thought. We are going to test them 100% and make sure everything is ok.
- We had too much blue GFX work. We have got rid of most of the blue stuff, including the blue UI we used to have and all the blue GFX in moradon. I know people got annoyed by it quick. We are also going to use a UI this time that everyone is comfortable with using.
- Our starter items was not set up properly, we've sort of changed that now.
- WE DIDN'T advertise enough. That is one of the main reasons we didn't succeed. We fucked up and only posted on a few spanish forums and ko4life. We should of tryed to get a topic pinned on KO-Cuce but we didn't.
In all honesty guys, I'm not ashamed to admit our flaws that we had. We will be fixing it now and honestly most of it is already fixed. I'm not even saying that ChillKO did too bad before, it just had too many flaws and I think we rushed the server launch date. We still reached around 80-90 people at a certain point which is NOT that bad for a serv that had some flaws.
Anyway, here is basically how the server is set up CURRENTLY. There is more to it than what I'm about to say tho.
- Instant 70 no XPing what so ever.
- +8/+1 is the max armors/jewels
- Max armor will be SuperShell. (Same shit as shells just 10 AC more and it DOES drop.) Max weapons currently will be Bi-Frost weapons. Later down the road we possibly might release Juraid weapons. There will be no Mystic, Fallen, Krowaz, or Undef weapons.
- We're gonna try to make money have a nice value here. Not 100% sure how we're going to set it up yet but we've got an idea.
- You will have everything +8 as starter items EXCEPT for shells and the really high class weapons. You will have for example Glave +8 as a starter weapon for warriors. You will have to farm for your raptor or buy it at NPC for a pretty high price in coins. That is just an example of how it is currently set up item-wise. I would also like to mention that Jewels +0 are still at the NPC in Moradon. We didn't want to make everyone start out in +9 Abyss Jewels because we felt newcomers would be screwed over by this.
- Upgrade rates are not 100%. This does not mean that you have to sit there all day and upgrade. In fact no, you can honestly go straight to PK but some other players might have a slight advantage over you if they have shell +8 and the other high class weapons.
There is much more information to the server than what I just posted above ^ but thats just some quick information on how we're setting this shit up now.
We would like everyone to post their suggestions on our forum. Here is the url --> http://forum.chillko.com/index/
If you have any more questions, feel free to post here or on the forums.