That PS4 looks really like a.... piece of art! I'm sure whoever gets it will be happier than Mexican at the border.

Anyway, I'm assuming the winner of this PS4 will come from Turkey or Poland, so when you ship this to them from USA, you will pay your POSTAGE, and also the receiver will have to pay the import tax. So total cost of this reward will exceed your numbers and make it a hard time for a poor fella living in barracks. That's why for those kind of rewards, we use E-Bay or AliExpress with free shipping to all the countries. And there is 50%/50% if winners have to pay import and the taxes, it is still a lot cheaper and flexible.

Also, if you've really invested 2.000 USD in this project someone is really ripping you off, or you are just making up the stories.
Be honest, players like honest admin, even if you spend just 1 dollar in to project be honest about it and it will be better for you.

The drawing on that paper near the PS4 is true Piccaso.. I mean 2K spent on project, yet the graphic is horrible, i mean as soon as i see your logo i get a headache.

It would be a lot better to use basic simple logo, took me 11 seconds to make.

Anyway, you might think I'm just negative, but come on mate, you can do it better... You're claiming we gonna see on launch how big your server will be, how many reach there is... That's why I'm giving you suggestions here... If you were to say, I am new here, I am learning, I'm trying my best, I know not everything is perfect, Once we get some money from donations we will improve it... If you said that i wouldn't be sarcastic... But you like going a head trying to take a solid spot with some random bs.

Correct me if i'm wrong, btw if you want me to stop commenting and giving you advices, just say it loud and clear and i'll stop i promise