That's the exact thing why i really did not feel like helping at any point. I would however let the forums have some basic guides as setting the server up and such helpful stuff.
If there will be any kind of new forums created we would definitely need to make two different "categorys" for people that know what they're actually doing and for people which are still in the learning process.
It probably sounds pretty stupid but it might work better. (Although the activity would decrease since you wouldn't be able to get EVERYTHING "golden plated").
Two a personal message to you.
Even though the KO community couldn't be more thankful for having you,there is something you could of done a lot better.
If you really needed the money you could ask for it and im sure people would help.
Closing the ONLY english KO related development ("active one") without an explanation is just playing stupid by your side.
Lets face it even if you don't care about KO or the developers anymore be fair and let someone else lead the forum.
My 2 cents to you since i really don't feel like trashing your PMs.