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Snoxd? it is closed? what happend?

This is a discussion on Snoxd? it is closed? what happend? within the Private Server Technical Support forums, part of the Private Servers category; Hope you didn't take it down again.. Fair warning would be nice.. :/...
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  1. #91
    Drakonic's Avatar
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    Hope you didn't take it down again.. Fair warning would be nice.. :/

  2. #92 Senior Member nickos3's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Drakonic View Post
    Hope you didn't take it down again.. Fair warning would be nice.. :/
    I don't think that it went completely down. Three people (not including the others) have donated enough money so far, to keep it up for another year (at least).

  3. #93
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    Was setup to auto-renew via Paypal subscription. Paypal balance is currently sitting at ~-$450, thanks to Dean Mckenzie (AfterMath/aussieguy/built4cz), so it didn't renew.

    Quote Originally Posted by nickos3 View Post
    Three people (not including the others) have donated enough money so far, to keep it up for another year (at least).
    ... um, what? It's barely been making the monthly fee, there was only one month that exceeded that, enough to allow for one of the subsequent months that fell short...

  4. #94 Senior Member nickos3's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by twostars View Post
    Was setup to auto-renew via Paypal subscription. Paypal balance is currently sitting at ~-$450, thanks to Dean Mckenzie (AfterMath/aussieguy/built4cz), so it didn't renew.

    ... um, what? It's barely been making the monthly fee, there was only one month that exceeded that, enough to allow for one of the subsequent months that fell short...
    Uhm, I've seen QuarantineKO donating 20$ twice and Kage donating about 3 or 4 times with an amount greater than 20$. If you include my donates too, they reach (more or less) the 170$ (or 155$) you need.
    Of course there were another people who've donated, i.e. HopeMakeItWork

  5. #95
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    Quote Originally Posted by nickos3 View Post
    Uhm, I've seen QuarantineKO donating 20$ twice and Kage donating about 3 or 4 times with an amount greater than 20$. If you include my donates too, they reach (more or less) the 170$ (or 155$) you need.
    Of course there were another people who've donated, i.e. HopeMakeItWork
    Er, QuarantineKO was (mostly) removed as it wasn't a donation, it was payment for service I provided. They decided to use the forums to pay for it instead of doing it manually/separately, which caused it to be counted. I'm surprised you even saw that, unless I forgot to remove them from the list that month?

    As far as Kage goes, you're partly right (there were 4 donations there, over the course of 2 years), though only one of them was greater than $20, the others $5 (August 2012), $7 (February 2013), $35 (December 2013, I believe when the forums initially went down), $15 (February 2014). (awkward listing those, but it was public... >_<)

    Otherwise, yeah - the earlier months did cover at most a couple of months each (which is great!) but not an entire year's worth.

    Don't get me wrong, I'm highly appreciative of everyone who's helped keep it afloat, but... you're getting the amounts fairly wrong.

    Anyway, aside from the fact Dean killed my Paypal account (hell if I'm paying back what Dean stole), effectively losing the last couple of donations, everyone's been great keeping it alive (again, I really do appreciate it). The last few months have been low, but January/February made up for it, so there's no complaints there.

  6. #96
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    Quote Originally Posted by twostars View Post
    Er, QuarantineKO was (mostly) removed as it wasn't a donation, it was payment for service I provided. They decided to use the forums to pay for it instead of doing it manually/separately, which caused it to be counted. I'm surprised you even saw that, unless I forgot to remove them from the list that month?

    As far as Kage goes, you're partly right (there were 4 donations there, over the course of 2 years), though only one of them was greater than $20, the others $5 (August 2012), $7 (February 2013), $35 (December 2013, I believe when the forums initially went down), $15 (February 2014). (awkward listing those, but it was public... >_<)

    Otherwise, yeah - the earlier months did cover at most a couple of months each (which is great!) but not an entire year's worth.

    Don't get me wrong, I'm highly appreciative of everyone who's helped keep it afloat, but... you're getting the amounts fairly wrong.

    Anyway, aside from the fact Dean killed my Paypal account (hell if I'm paying back what Dean stole), effectively losing the last couple of donations, everyone's been great keeping it alive (again, I really do appreciate it). The last few months have been low, but January/February made up for it, so there's no complaints there.
    This is true, we've donated about $20 or so to snoxd and the rest of it was for services from twostars, it wasn't a whole lot, but we figure it's good to help the community. It's not hard to see that two doesn't make ends meet each month that he's keeping snoxd alive and it seems rather a burden from my point of view.

    It's very sad to see people charging back/stealing HIS WORK when he does so much for this community and is only to be falsely-accused for wrongful doing.

    Drakonic likes this.

  7. #97
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    lol.. dat twostars crying for money, when he taking hundred of dollars for selling hes files and stuff...
    i dunno how ppl (legtko) can pay him 300$ for that server... when they can get better server for free.

    if u want money so much get a job, stop ripping of ppl

  8. #98
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    Quote Originally Posted by ISacredSheitan View Post
    lol.. dat twostars crying for money, when he taking hundred of dollars for selling hes files and stuff...
    i dunno how ppl (legtko) can pay him 300$ for that server...
    Dear extremely uninformed person,

    Prior to LegitKO (and to some very minor extent, QuarantineKO, though from memory that was nothing more than patching a bug for them), I'd given up selling my work because of the horrible PSKO community (leaking/leeching/being general dicks).
    Dean/AfterMath from LegitKO, however, was a scamming POS who charged back what he'd paid for it, leaked the files to others, and started lying to others about me, i.e. essentially the reason I stopped bothering in the first place; the horrible PSKO community generally being dicks.

    So no, I'm not "[t|m]aking hundreds of dollars" from my work. However, I am hosting a site which freely gives (potential) server owners/developers the resources to start their own server and learn how it works. Not to mention offer them numerous patches for security issues I and a couple of others have developed over the years.

    That was paid out of my own pocket since it was left to me to run; it was only what, mid/late last year (I think? maybe later...), that I started stressing how important donations were for the site to keep running -- a year or two after I took over anyway. At that point there were very little if any donations over the months (the typical donation was usually like ~$0.01, for the "Donator" title, which is tbh no more than a slap in the face).

    Really, at this stage I've given all I cared to; time, resources, money. If developers still need access to the site, then they can pitch in to keep it alive. Keeping it alive for the sake of keeping it alive and to be metaphorically shit on every second really wasn't an option.

    It may seem somewhat melodramatic (heck, it probably is), but the alternative, of course, is simply shutting it down and being done with it. Since people emphatically disagreed with that decision in this very thread, I didn't.

    So it stays up so long as people can keep the donations up to pay for its hosting fees.

    As for how much people donate, I can assure you it really makes no more than it has to; any excess goes towards the next month, which usually needs it.

    That said, because of Dean I'm not accepting donations via Paypal anymore. Need get something else setup.

    Quote Originally Posted by ISacredSheitan View Post
    when they can get better server for free.
    You mean by using leaked files?
    Everything always seem so simple when you leech work, but you can accomplish all that much more when you do it yourself.

    Quote Originally Posted by ISacredSheitan View Post
    if u want money so much get a job
    I have one, thanks. I'm not using it to pay for people to shit on me; this isn't a fetish of mine.

    Quote Originally Posted by ISacredSheitan View Post
    stop ripping of ppl
    How am I doing that?

    If you're referring to the site (which I've hilariously avoided naming, despite it being in the title and named by everyone else), above should address that.
    If you're referring to selling my work to LegitKO, then thanks, but I put a lot of work into it which really showed on its launch (which went fine, Dean's retarded drama aside). I've put even more work into it since, which you'll be able to see in ClimaxKO when he eventually releases that. Should be fun.


    The melodromatic, egotistical, jealous, money-hungry, server-attacking duck.

  9. #99
    Banned Senior Member
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    Lol.. that signature line.

  10. #100
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    Okay mr.Duck. What makes you think that you should discuss/seek donations for your forum 'Snoxd' here on gamers4life? You are whining about the income of Snoxd, so why do you host the forum at all?? If you don't have few bucks to host the forum, than dont host it! Or pass it to other people who will make it better like it was before..
    How much a guy that making deals with un-proffesional kids worth?

    What did you offer to Dean Mckenzie to seek so much money from him? He can pay 100$ and have a decent host,acme anticheat and a good database.
    What he got from you?

    So i come to Snoxd what can i get? Why should i donate?
    You might be a good programmer, but you are definetly not good for Private Servers of Knight Online, since even your servers failed, and all servers you helped failed..
    You are writing so much, looking for donations, for reputation - But i never saw what do you actually offers to people?

  11. #101
    Banned Senior Member
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    Dean is back.. or Grobar. Will you seriously just fuck off.. for one I know and most know.. A forum host capable of withstanding attacks and staying stable constantly costs a shit ton more than a few bucks.. just quit trying to act smart.. because you're an idiot.

  12. #102
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    Quote Originally Posted by ReesesPieces View Post
    Dean is back.. or Grobar. Will you seriously just fuck off.. for one I know and most know.. A forum host capable of withstanding attacks and staying stable constantly costs a shit ton more than a few bucks.. just quit trying to act smart.. because you're an idiot.
    If scammers are banned, why the people in twostars sig aint banned?

    Edit : It costs maximum 50 bucks per month..Twostars said he got a job, was he liening?

  13. #103
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    Quote Originally Posted by ISacredSheitan View Post
    Okay mr.Duck. What makes you think that you should discuss/seek donations for your forum 'Snoxd' here on gamers4life? You are whining about the income of Snoxd, so why do you host the forum at all?? If you don't have few bucks to host the forum, than dont host it! Or pass it to other people who will make it better like it was before..
    I didn't make this thread. However, I'm the (only) one with the answers, so what was I supposed to do, ignore it?
    I'm not whining about donations; at worst, I merely "whined" about the people who donated the entirety of 1c for a title, which really defeats the purpose of the donations.

    The forum's fine. It lives off donations, lots of things do. Deal with it.

    As for the rest of it, you might try reading my post.

    Quote Originally Posted by ISacredSheitan View Post
    What did you offer to Dean Mckenzie to seek so much money from him? He can pay 100$ and have a decent host,acme anticheat and a good database.
    What he got from you?
    Firstly, you know nothing of the transaction, so please don't pretend like you do.
    Secondly, anyone buying their server (database), instead of developing their own is retarded. Seriously, the only reason you'd do that is if you only cared to make money, and not about the server.

    Quote Originally Posted by ISacredSheitan View Post
    So i come to Snoxd what can i get? Why should i donate?
    Resources. Support. For those that need it, it's there.
    I'm not going to say it's the greatest thing in the world (... it isn't), but have a read over this thread to see why people want it. At least that way I won't give you any more fuel.

    Quote Originally Posted by ISacredSheitan View Post
    You might be a good programmer, but you are definetly not good for Private Servers of Knight Online, since even your servers failed, and all servers you helped failed..
    Early servers were fine, but anyway -- all servers die eventually. How many new servers has OSKO had now? Or even Knight Kingdom.
    KO-Tastic (2011?) failed because of a lack of preparation (and honestly I didn't really want to be involved with it anyway, had my own projects), and NDKO (~2010?) was released prematurely (it wasn't even meant to run 1.298, it was meant to be launched with my emulator >_<"). Otherwise there was what, the whole HCKO/TitanKO (2008?) thing, which was out of my control (no, not MaxKO, but hey -- I helped with that too, apparently they're still around, I think. I don't really know.), and... um... way early ITKO (early 2007?), before 1.298 PSKO was even around, which was great too (funny thinking about those crashes now, crashes used to be a common occurrence back then. Ahhh, if I could go back and get them fixed. )...

    But sure, I really don't like to get involved with servers; dealing with the official files is limiting, and whenever I do go and help a server with some things, I tend to just get flack because "twostars is involved, it must be a good server!!!" (which for the record, is a stupid assumption...)

    Quote Originally Posted by ISacredSheitan View Post
    You are writing so much, looking for donations, for reputation - But i never saw what do you actually offers to people?
    Um, sure, if you count my [horrible and awkward] posts responding to others. I'm not actively seeking it; if I were, it'd be like, PLS DONATE NOW NIDS DEM MONIES PLS COME AND DONATE NOW D
    ... but I don't. I don't even feel comfortable responding to these things anyway, as you might glean from some of my responses. >_<

    As for "what I offer"... okay, I'll bite. At the very least, a forum for at least consistent/reliable support? I don't know. Again, go back and read this thread, created by people who need it. >_<

    ... sigh.

    Quote Originally Posted by ISacredSheitan View Post
    If scammers are banned, why the people in twostars sig aint banned?
    Dean is. The other two aren't (directly) scammers, so I guess they don't quite make it. That said, I never said they were scammers to begin with...

  14. #104
    Banned Member
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    You are talking a bit like a Politicial.. Did you consider go to elections for European Parlaments!?

  15. #105
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    Go to European Parliament... When he/she is from Australia..
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