+1 B)Originally posted by Devile
He can train with Dr4K0 and learn minor heal pretty fast. Dr4K0 has beat most lvl70 warriors in Diez. Don't think it will be difficult for 411 to adapt to the game and learn all the new stuff.
And even if he doesnt adapt, who cares?. He doesn't need to prove anything to anyone. He is playing with his friends again and is all about having fun, not to prove to the new "pros" he is a pro too. He pwned this game long time ago where there weren't babashops and the game was more fair than it is right now. No USD bullshit, just standard +7 items, clan uniques and skill. *
Sure, today is all about duped "legit" items which most ppl use and USD paid crap. Still, most of those players can't pk for shit.