Quote Originally Posted by StrongOne View Post
If for some odd reason you think that usko is the way to go , atleast go to ares or dies or titan ..rest are just died but honestly euko would be better off , idk much bout the english comm % there but im pretty sure there is a few good clans running around . Hacking is everywhere and now u can buy it from the pus called genie or some lame shit . so just forget that idea of non koxp server unless its a private server
I didnt say I only want play USKO, im saying i never heard of EUKO so I dont know anything about it, because I live in US might be lag or something not really sure. If Euko good for new people to start off I'll go there. Also don't know anything about genie, I gues I just have to look into it.

Quote Originally Posted by Bluzie View Post
Wassup ma man? I'd be happy to have you in my clan if you simply meet the requirements. Our only issue is finding more people who would like to join the clan... Check out my clan post: http://www.gamers4life.com/forums/f2...ebliss-339186/
I'm sorry, thanks for the invite. But everyone saying C-west is dead server now, so I don't really want waste my time there.