Your solution doesn't work? Want me to fraps it to prove it? I delete items then restore them, then run ko, then click on server and it STILL DC's me. If this game becomes p2p then I'm quiting.
This is a discussion on How to avoid Xtrap! for none-premies within the General Chat forums, part of the Knight Online ( category; Your solution doesn't work? Want me to fraps it to prove it? I delete items then restore them, then run ...
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Your solution doesn't work? Want me to fraps it to prove it? I delete items then restore them, then run ko, then click on server and it STILL DC's me. If this game becomes p2p then I'm quiting.
lmao koxp is updated + it's cracked
re read, dosent work tho...keep getting dc ;(
There must be a way to bypass it <_< thinking thinking..............................
only works in normal times not during turk time
lmfao nice :wub:Originally posted by farhad
if u wanna log in game and u are not premium. *
-go to harddisk
-choose program files
-choose knightonline file
-delete xtrap map and logo ( dont use shift + delete but just delete it)
-go to trash bin and right click on xtrap logo and the map and choose restore *
launch KO and go a2 or a3 (i prefer a3) goodluck and enjoy game :P
ah god damit.. i deleted it then restored but its not back in the folder now i cant get on ko <_<
/Help please
this doesn't work, the guy probably tried this and got lucky at getting in![]()
any way to fix my problem? or do i need to redownload ko.. :angry:
it dont work anymore for me phantom gimme free bronze or let us know ''the'' method
if it was a bug, it is not fair that mods from this forum report it to gmsand i think account selling wont be allowed here anymore cause infinitemadnes is here and he is gm :wacko: :blink: he will ban it directly then
this is dumb its barely turk time anymore and it still dces me and no way im buying premium on a fucking second account
666 posts :lol:
Download the latest patch from this adress:Originally posted by Puke
ah god damit.. i deleted it then restored but its not back in the folder now i cant get on ko *<_< *
/Help please
And extract it to KO folder.
Open the file named "Server.ini" in the KO folder;
Change the line "Files=1329" to "Files=1328".
Open "Launcher.exe" and let it re-download and extract the patch for you.