everything you type is complete bollocks. i dont go around asking for respect from turks, i dont give a shit about turks. If you want to hate me because of my views then i wont lose sleep over it. I like to point out trends and generalisations like turks cheat a lot, which is TRUE and is something you cant handle because of your fucked up patriotism. And its naive to insist that cheating is equal across nations. There are huge differences in earnings, where ppl play ko, and average ages. In the UK, i cant cheat on any game in my local cafe without being banned, and you cant go there under a certain age without being supervised. There are no cafe owners selling shit, no cafes all sharing 1 char, no cafes duping together in huge quantities. I realise that there are a minority of educated, good playing turks, but im talking about the overall situation and not particular people. I would call it a difference in culture.Originally posted by tolgahan
these posts are for gays
this is usko not trko
if u want to play learn turkish
if u want to play learn english
this is usko learn english
Yes These are all for GAYs
This is an international game.King have to know both english and Turkish.( i didnt add other languages coz they are all know english).
0000000 do u have to point "turks are cheaters" shit in every post?
How many years did u waste to drop ur items or coins to buy them?
only 1 hour to buy?
i am sure if u cant play well n dont have good items ,u wd cheat too. You are a fucking two-faced person.having good playing skill for this game is not enough for ppl to respect you.you said" if they want respect they have to earn it" if u want respect u have to earn it not buy.Dont jump in every topic about turks.If u have solution say it or stfu.We know turks are cheating.Kings have to know English too.
if u have so much money pay it to k2 to stop cheating.Your Ego is bigger than You.
n u guys pls say if u have a solution for the king system or language in game or about another thing.flaming turks wont help u. u wont earn anything.
is it so hard to argue something. or is it easier to blame someone or flame something.
If u want i can open topics about kings in turkish forums or u can contact to someone from k2 n ask them not to make ppl king who dont know english.
Or u wont have any difference from that stupid cheaters.
sorry for bad words but everytime 0000000 says turks are cheating we say yes they are cheating.we are sorry about that.turks fucked this game but he is a flammer as good as rogue player.when he stop his big EGO .i am sure turks wont hate him.We dont hate him coz of his great player skills.Stop being a stupid person n try to find some solutions like others.U dont have to find anything but u dont have to show ur EGO everytime too.
ok lets go back to topic.Stop fucking flamming and look for some solutions.i want to play this game in peace too.Everytime i got spiked for 1000 damage from a lvl 65 rogue to me lvl 66 rogue that makes me mad.i am sure he is a duper.i dont have iron belts rogue earings or rols.but they have +3s.K2 will do something or this game will be fucked up for final.
any stupid kid still wanna flame something? or smart ppl who know what he should do?
yes we are all smart ppl .ty
The jadereal problem has been waiting to happen for 1 year now, the only reason it didnt was because F9 was too popular on human side. We need international kings, not uneducated people who cannot communicate outside their little turkish community. And unless the international clans get their act together and ally up, this will keep happening every month simply due to the sheer number of turks.
You ask for solutions? make a TRKO and go play there.